Friday, July 31, 2009

Attitudes: A self test

"You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think." CoM

So the old adage: "You are what you think you are" can be supported by a test.

The test:
Get off by yourself.

By yourself:
Think mean nasty and derisive thoughts about either yourself or your closet, or your garage or ??? (not someone else!)

Go on about your day. Notice how the day seems to have a tilted attitude toward the negative.

Now, at about the time limit for your ability to stand the tilted view or when you see the negative as clearly as you want... go off by yourself again.

By yourself:
Mentally reestablish in your mind that this is an experiment to see the effects of your thoughts on yourself.

Quiet your mind chatter enough to wrest control of your thoughts and think of something that is powerfully positive for you. You will know what to think about: personal, pleasant, important, and again not a person.

Go again off into your day and continue to observe the influence of the brain with positive pleasure in the minds' recesses.. (No, do not send your mind out to recess - only the little kids get those).

End of experiment.

Each morning as I awaken, I apply a routine that has mostly allowed me to, as Rhona Barrett used to say: "Think the good thoughts".

I look out the window at the darkness, and imagine the glow of the coming sunrise and say to myself: "Fuckin' A - Dale lives".

As I absorb the wonder of that, (I have had so many friends and family not live as long as I have) I actively smile and
inwardly then say to myself: "This is the best day ever".

I then get up and go about a day filled with all of the same stuff as other people. I just burn through the day with this acceptance of what I cannot change, and the mental position to allow me to change the things that I can if need be.

Make sure to clear any negative thought position for this experiment prior to going to sleep.

"Think the good thoughts".

Is it possible that I didn't start the meter? Yes. Too many times in real life, sort of like not knowing how to set up each day with positive ideas.
I hope you enjoyed the free ride (and advise).


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Change and resposibility

I have been thinking about Change and responsibility.

If we were to have another chance at the vote for President last year, would it result in a different outcome? I do not think so, even in hindsight.

If the average American were to go back in time to the election and admit to what they perceived the word “CHANGE” to mean to them, would they step up to Gandhi? Gandhi is quoted as saying;
"You must be the change you want to see in the world."

Would each of us accept that our own words describing what we would like changed are our own message to our selves to "be" that change?

If we accept the premise that the “CHANGE” we hoped for would be our own responsibility. If we then accepted the responsibility to effect that change. We would be better off not locking up dope smugglers and releasing on parole serious felons, as one example. Pick your own change here, please.

I have taken on a few changes I hope to see. I anticipate that you will consider what “CHANGE” you will be responsible to see occur by you "being" that change.

Here’s your change, thanks for finally paying it forward, oh sorry, got carried away with ‘responsibility’ and included yet another responsibility - paying it forward.