Thursday, October 16, 2008

My apology to Nancy Pelosi

I have allowed myself to make a judgment about the Speaker of The House of Representatives.

I am not proud of that judgment. I made an incorrect judgment.

I apologize to The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of The House.

I regret taking that stand. I apologize to any one else I may have taken that judgment to in conversation.

Thank you for taking this trip which reminds me of a location in Anchorage I used to take fares to.

Up on the upper 'hillside' area of Anchorage, there was a restaurant called "Stuck Again".
This restaurants' reputation and the price of a meal there were legendary. It was a favored destination for well heeled visitors to the city.

In the winter it was virtually impossible for the average car to climb the hill to the restaurant. I frequently would wait at the bottom of the hill and drive multiple diners to the parking lot and then return later to drive back to the wide spot at the bottom of the hill to the cars that diners had parked while eating dinner. I often ran this trip in relays, fares up and fares down.

The fare each way was $20.00. The distance was about 5 miles.

At the bottom of the parking lot just outside the restaurant was a ridge that was the start of a straight drive about 200 yards up the hill and an elevation rise of about 75 icy slick and shiny feet.

I would simply reverse the car in the driveway and slowly back up the hill to deliver my fares to the sanded icy walkway entrance to the restaurant.

I delivered some very famous people there over the winters. If I were star struck, those could be some other stories.

So the likeness to this story, is that I have reversed myself once again.

Fare is paid.

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