Wednesday, September 23, 2009

6 Years

6 years and a glass of Port with a little triple cream Bree cheese.
A celebration we had! We sat at the kitchen table. We talked of this night 6 years ago. We called our Treasured friend, Rachael for whom we were compelled to leave a message that thanked her for this night, 9 22 03 (six years ago).

Now, back to today.

Curves is still going strong.
We are worn out. We are, at long over 60, beginning to feel the results of the abuse we have heaped upon our bodies and minds over the years. Hopefully by the time we reach the celebration for the 7th year, we will have worked out how to not have the daily requirements of the life we have chosen seem so intrusive and exhausting. Hopefully by the next celebration, we will have figured out how to fulfill our happiness as a steady 24 hour achievement. Hopefully we will be looking back at the 7th year as a gift that springs us to a new level of happiness.

The original plan was to do five years, divide the territory in 1/2 and sell the two pieces. We are at six years I remind you. What happened to the five year mark and that plan?

This is still a possibility, however not likely, due to the present economy.

There are stories to tell that I have written down of tales and experiences and people, however sharing those will have to be a different posting.

What I want you to know is that the door we walked through six years ago, is still open, we can see back through it, however: "There is no going back." The futile struggle that would be required to attempt to go back just makes me tired to consider. I see and hear people all of the time saying and talking like it was easy to go back. It is not easy or possible, so looking forward is the real way to celebrate. We did.

We agreed over the port and cheese that we have no business regrets, and that if it weren't for people we would have no regrets at all. We have had lots of disappointments that do not concern the club, mostly disappointments about people and how easily they seem to give up on themselves.

In this day and age; with the present economy, world level strife, racial and religious prosecution, radicals on the right and left, politicians that are not taking care of our world and domestic best interests, what do we have to look forward toward?

The future is ours to chose for ourselves. We cannot rely on others to get us to the fulfillment of our main purpose in life. This life purpose is often circuitously discussed, however the main purpose (to be as happy as we want to be) is seldom declared aloud. It doesn't sell newspapers! and - most people do not think they can achieve it!

I have stopped the local paper. I do not watch the National, local, nor the world news. I seldom watch live TV, and race through the commercials to enjoy what I record to watch later.

As a result, I find the days are the same length (too damned short), the work necessary for me to complete is the same and that the things (news) that I need to know, I can read daily via a great website called:

Now then, what is this post about?

Know that even though the anniversary of opening the club was for the sixth year, we have more days and years (hopefully) of work to get through to be as happy as we want.

The cab has been parked for the month of August. Reasons are personal. Maybe probably I will explain why next time I post.

A good friend, (does anyone have a bad friend?) told me to blog about why I haven't been blogging. Maybe I will....

Since this post is a celebration announcement, I have waived the fare.

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