Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Watch out!

We are driving North on the Old Seward Highway {OSH} (misnamed, as it is the old road to Seward, but no longer a highway, just a typical two lane in each direction street). The intersection at Airport Road is wide, with open great visibility in each direction.

Watch out!
An old Cadillac nearly runs me and my fare off of the street as we are headed north.

I see a police car about a quarter-block away headed toward me at this intersection.

I have a red light. I run the red light. I am immediately stopped and the cop says you will seriously pay for this…. I explain that I ran the red light to get his attention to the fact that there is a drunk driver that nearly ran me off of the street up ahead on OSH. I explained that I will drop my fare and meet him where ever he wants as soon as I do if he still needs to give me a ticket for the red light violation if he will just go check out the other car. He races off, red light and siren.

I go on to where the fare was to be dropped.

As we discussed the incident the fare said, I think what you did was over the requirements, and I want to go with you when the cop calls. He/she gave me the information on how to reach them for the next couple of hours, and went on about their day.

I seem to remember that they went to the IRS bldg, but that is irrelevant.

I never received a call form the cop, however I did receive a call from the fare when the day was over, asking about the conclusion of the incident.

Moral of the story: Intent is measured by the results.
I intended to protect others, and I simply protected myself and my fare.

So, what is the intent of the US in the world?

Multiple choice test:
1. Change everyone to Christianity.
2. Have an end to terrorism no matter the costs.
3. Secure the Iraqi oil.
4. Win more Gold Medals.
5. Win – win.

I hope you have read this far. If you did, the fare is paid.

Oh yeah, the correct answer to the test is:
It depends on YOUR intent.

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