Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We have a Chance to choose

Post election at 12 midnight Tuesday 11-4-2008.

So where do we go from here?

"We" as used herein is defined as the collection of voters that voted any one of the three ways I see possible in this election:
1. For the winning candidate.
2. For a different candidate.
3. A vote incorrectly cast and/or didn't vote.
We have admitted that it is in us to set aside the context of serious leadership in America as being a white mans domain.

We have a chance to:

We have a chance to admit that we can have friends without color or race being the earliest consideration.

We have a chance to acknowledge that the younger people are capable of seeing and then following through when they know that things are better done their way.

We have a chance to see in ourselves what we were not willing to see before this election.

We have this one first chance to leave all that ill perceived experience behind and to never look back at that way of 'being' - ever again.

We have a chance to place the benefit of this change of perception as a priority and to have a desired different experience than we could have had prior to the election.

We have a chance to acknowledge that we are at a time when it is important to see what directions and priorities are important to us.

Knowing all of that:
We can redefine ourselves.
We can create a new paradigm.
We are at a place where we can transform.

The following I am wrriting at 10 p.m. (Ten hours later.)

This may be a little nuts, a little woo-woo, a little over the top or under the horizon to some of you.
If nuts or woo woo or over or under is how you see it, know that that perception is to me like my life prior to this new life I woke up to, Post election 2008.

I saw two young boys going into the library today running and dodging and giggling and having fun. I observed them at first glance as 'two cute little boys'. Prior to the election I would have seen two Hispanic boys first. Maybe after having judged them as Hispanic I would then have seen them as 'two cute little boys' with the Hispanic prejudicing my observation. If I could communicate this clearly you would know that I see differently today than I have ever prior to today.
I had to smile to myself, because I liked having this clearer vision of them. I liked that I am sure that I knew how they felt: first they felt like little boys, and probably did not feel at all like Hispanic boys.

This was a small thing, however it was monumental for me. I chose to 'be' in a different way for me. I choose to be different. I choose to be 'change'.

This whole day has been like I was a young boy with the innate knowledge that all of us have been given a chance to do it right this time.
We do not have to answer for how we were. We will always be responsible for how we are - how we choose to 'be' in everything we do. Life is choices. Choose to be who you want to be. You will never have an earlier chance in your life. You are the only one who gets to choose for you.

So, as I look at the change America is going to experience, it looks nothing like it looked while I was listening to two men spin it. It has gone from a nebulous undefined term to a personal choice.

I sense a sadness for my parents and grandparents because they couldn't experience this day. I have the shared experience with them of their having lived in a narrower time than we have stepped into today.

I will have more to say on all of this.
Change. It is easy. It is a choice. Join me, I chose for me, I ask of you to choose for you.

I am determined to live better, longer and to be loving powerful and free.

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