Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

I went to bed at 1 a.m. when I tried to convince Judy, who had been asleep for hours, that it was 6:30 a.m. and that we'd better get up and get the lumps of coal exchanged so we would have time to fix dinner for 4 p.m. (for seven people)
The ruse didn't work. She opened an envelope with cash in the dark and I went to sleep.
She never even looked at the contents in the envelope.

I got up at 5:30 a.m. and read until 6:30 a.m. when she rushed in (NOT) and we opened gifts from around our world.

They were all perfect. Shirt, VHS to DVD translator transfer machine, Raven for the roof, book about the 60's and its discontents, a recipe organizer binder, three more shirts, a snow flake emblazoned 600 degree spatula, a world class pheasant hunting trip to TX panhandle, Judy's old sewing machine (since I gave her a new one).

No partridge in a pear tree. I did however, see a peacock on a yard wall three days ago over by COSTCO.

We finished the greed part about 10 minutes to 8 a.m. Oh yeah, Judy also got some gifts.

Then our day started:

I sat in a chair alone while Judy fixed posole' for herself. I thought about all those young people all around the world making sure I was as safe as I could be here in the homeland. Doesn't that word homeland have a different meaning since 9-11?

8 a.m. came and went. I was content to recall a Christmas in 1963 off the coast of Okinawa in an APA (208) awaiting the saber rattling to quiet down in Viet Nam where Colin Powell and his troops were 'advisers.' Man did that whole thing change!
That change was not good.

It was good to reflect.

'Thank you' to each of those young Americans who serve each Christmas Day, and today to those who are serving now.!

It is a shame that some of the people of this country cannot sense the good we are doing around the world. It is a wonderful country this experiment of free people. I am so happy to be here. I love this country.

I respect that even though we do not all agree that the conflict in Iraq is noble, that we are at least establishing a foothold for freedom for Women and children and young girls and college students and literacy about the entire world and all of the beliefs that conflict with each other.

Imagine any woman you can. - Now picture her wearing a burqa.

To me that says it all.

Merry Christmas in the best place in the world.

Fare is paid, no one can afford the cab on a holiday.

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