Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bill paying

If we pay our city utility bill via telephone or internet, we pay a third party fee to make each payment via those methods.
So, I could save money by using the postal service?
Here is a prime example of that twisted logic of the politically correct getting in my face again.

Damn the bastards, I'll be post dating checks again.

(Do you realize that if you get a mile a dollar for using a credit card on a rewards card, that the merchant you do business with pays for those miles? He cannot charge you more for the use of the credit card, so he has to inflate his prices to everyone.
Look for another blog soon about that whole thing.) NUTS!

I can't charge you more when you pay your Curves bill with your rewards credit card, even though it costs me a dollar more to take your payment than it would by check or cash. So if I were to have a third party take your payment when you call me to pay it, then they can charge you more.

We 'otta sue the bastards that created this abomination!
Talk about a loop hole. Why not jsut let the merchant charge the fee?

Where were the regulators when Congress allowed this? Love those banker lobbyists!

It sucks to pay conveniently.
I have more to say. However instead, I am going to go pack to go on an Oryx hunting trip.
I'll show 'em about politically correct.
I may even go piss outside under the stars while I am there.

You know, I may even swear at the animals before we shoot, just to be completely politically outspoken.
I will still sample the blood when I butcher the carcass, though. I am after all aware of what I will be doing in the control of the range and environment.
(Singing here) "Here little Oryx. Here little Oryx. Come closer little Oryx. That's it". BANG!
Fresh liver soon. Oh, and Fresh heart. Yum-yum yum.

Sorry, I didn't get you away from the curb, I was afraid of my political rage turning to road rage.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

National Safety

India is a very poor country. People there are as smart as every where else.
India is having a very hard time with terrorists. Terrorists regularly and randomly murder Indian citizens daily.
India is arming its citizens to thwart terrorism because they think that will work.

America is (was) a wealthy country. People in America are as smart as every where else.
America doesn't have a hard time with in country terrorists. Americans are presently safe on their streets.
Americans are an armed society.

Some Americans want to take guns away from responsible gun safe people.

Some responsible gun safe Americans want to teach gun safety to ALL citizens, so it will be safe for everyone to own guns.

Some Americans want to require all Americans who own ANY gun to register and pay a registration fee and secure a license / permit to own each gun.
The proposed fee for such a licensing is approximately $ 25. That is $ 25 for each gun. The proposal says that this license would require renewal at about 5 year intervals.
I suggest that for $25 per student, I can teach adequate gun handling safety to everyone. It would not require renewal, EVER.
That would include a registry to record such training.

There are states that have progressed from a culture of licensing concealed gun carry permits to a culture of carrying a gun does not require a permit after gun safety training.

There are states that are attempting to make the possession of a gun a felony.

There are states where people collect their protein and table fare with a gun.
There are states where the people living there think it is unnecessary to own guns - at all.

The bottom line is that we have allowed the 'polite thinking' to permeate the sensibilities of logic.

There are people who would rather kill any innocent person, to support a drug habit.
There are people who would spend money to support these people with drug habits and not teach gun safety.

The next time you read your Daily Advertiser (Newspaper) headlines, just recall that the headlines could be that the Mayor, Governor or President actually told the truth and said we have as many people on the dole, welfare, handout, charity, you pick your name for it as we do paying taxes.

The next time you blow a red light, don't signal a lane change or a turn, just recognize that you are a part of the National safety problem.
You are, in committing that little illegal maneuver, a contributing reason that the police have to spend so much of their budget on traffic and not on crime protection.

If people would stop thinking of themselves, and begin to think of the whole bunch of us, we would begin to reduce the burden of crime, violence, welfare, food shelter and work shortage, social strata perceptions, poverty, trash in the environment, crimes against the citizens that are unable to protect themselves, pet cruelty, drug abuse, domestic abuse, traffic problems etc.
We would be able to take whatever of the stimulus money that might trickle down and attack all or any one of these items in a positive and effective way.

Now those of you who know me, you know I am no Bleeding heart, or Joe Straight or a Do-gooder. I am an opinionated, salty ol' bastard at times. I have my mind made up, but can be budged to reconsider.

So, I ranted on longer than I wanted, and ranged way wide of what I planned. I apologize for that and will soon begin a project to write a memoir, where some of this opinion will be focused - which might relieve some and for sure will make this more conducive to complete reading.

I think I got the response links repaired, however I can always be screamed at at:

Enjoy the race from Fontanac CA this afternoon. Attendance is down as a result of the economy, so I will end this ride at the race track, and waive the fare to help reduce the economic effect on my favorite sport.
Anchorage didn't have well organized racing. We used to race down (or up) Northern Lights Blvd.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Did you ever consider that you might want to write a book?
Well, I have the reference guide for you. I am not paid, nor does the author know I am touting her book.

"Shimmering Images" by Lisa Dale Norton
(A Handy Little Guide to Writing Memoir) is the sub title.

Consider taking it to the beach, on a flight, to visit your in laws.

It is 138 pages of delightfully written advise. The book would make a great textbook for a writing class.
Step by step with labels for things and mental images for the processes so that it is easier to understand than any BBQ assembly instructions I have ever struggled through.

She is able to speak plain English and clearly is aware of the scope of the pitfalls of attempting to be published.
She also has great advise if all you are thinking of doing is recording your life for posterity.
I presume that some day my offspring will read what I plan to memoir and say, thank you. It will be nothing like this blog.

So, if any one of you think you are unique and are inclined to record the details of what has made you who you uniquely are, this is a handy, easy thorough discussion of the task.

I have a brother-in-law who journals. This book should be in his library.
Hmmmm maybe a Birthday present from me?

I once had a travel writer charter my cab for about a day.
We went to the Indian Health Hospital.
We went to the Psychiatric Hospital.
We went to the Cemetary and to a mortician.
We went to the Chapel at the City Cemetery.
Needless to say, the passenger was writing an article on Anchorage for a funeral director / undertaker trade magazine.

It was real interesting that even though there were a couple funerals that day, He wasn't interested in the people in the cemetery (alive). He did in the end take a scenic trip around the town. I was even able to get him into Chilcoot Charlie's.
I tried to get him to go to Mr. Whitkeys, however he was a woos and didn't want to be out that late.
Oh well, after seeing how easy it seemed to be to do the research and the outlining of the information, I decided that anyone could do what he did. Write.

So my blog is current proof that I was wrong about that.
Fare is paid.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

1. Communicate 2. Blog hosts 3. Valentines

1. Why is it that so many people have become completely inept at such a basic skill?
Have you ever listened to an interview of someone less than about 38 years old?
Every sentence starts with: "What I mean"... or "Like"... or "I know"... or "You know... or ----____ .
Do you know the expression: P-tooey!

2. New blog hosts are, as we are reading this, being contacted to host this thing. I have asked a blogger that I highly respect and who has a great blog site to assist me in getting connected with his host. More will be blogged here as this 'change' develops.

3. Valentines and Valentines Day are interesting.
A.) Men buy more gifts and spend more money.
B.) Women expect more. Women know they have the power.

To draw what seems to me to be a logical conclusion from those two facts - women don't really think of the acknowledgment of the relationship to be their obligation as much as men think it to be their obligation.
So, does the expected reward seem more valuable to men?

Men are sure of the necessary responsibility to confirm the relationship. The obligation to reinforce the relationship is a nonverbal certainty for men. There is something that women have been using as leverage to keep the relationship tilted so that this Valentines Massacre is always for the man to be rewarded. Aren't women lucky? Think about it.

I have enjoyed some pretty amazing activity as a voyeur or as an auditory eavesdropper of conversations and human bodies in the back seat of a cab. In the waning hours of the Valentines Days of Anchorage, celebrants have been known to do, say and appear in ways they would never have considered any other day of the year. Today we would not even blink an eye in the movie theaters if we saw what occurs in taxicabs. Cab fares used to tip really big for the calm presence I showed in ignoring, not acknowledging, or just plain experiencing occur in my not objecting presence.
I recall one time....
How big will the tip be for the rest of this story?

Happy Valentines Day.
Remember, the CABBY has seen, heard and cleaned up after just about anything you can imagine two or three, and even - one time - four people doing in the back seat of a cab in Anchorage, Alaska on February 14th at about 3 a.m. when the saloons closed.
I recall one time.....
Fare was paid by the Bodacious huge tip!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Posting my blog

I have had numerous complaints that comments cannot be made, and connection to my blog site doesn't seem possible. So I am going to look for a different location to host a blog.

I will post the information about where it will be when I find a better place for access. Until then, it will be here.

I value comments and the dialog that I can have with each of you, and hate when you do not get to have your two cents worth. I may even need to collect the two cents before too long. :)

Well, the racing season started tonight. See, ya.
Racing is fun and interesting to me. so what can I say? You get tennis, golf and football. I understand there are even people who do the colossal waste of time called basketball. So allow me.

The meter for this blog was used in the couplet from the blog earlier this a.m. so you have no fare to pay.


So the L A P D are going to investigate threats to the octuplet mom?

Hey, run octuplets through your spell checker. Mine says it is a bad word.
My spell checker suggests sextuplets. That is the cause of this whole drama. If she'd just had sex, we wouldn't be reading this.
My spell checker also suggests quintuplets. Remember the ones from when we were kids?
My spell checker also suggests couplets. Well, according to one www source;
"A couplet is a pair of lines of verse. It usually consists of two lines that rhyme and have the same meter. Some cultures have decorative traditions associated with them."
When I was a kid on the farm, I remember a couplet as the time when we ran the bull and one of the cows into the small corral for a day or so...

I guess I should have used couplet - these things are appropriate for this discussion:
A pair of lines of verse. I couldn't be a couplet-er, as it takes me two lines of parenthesis comments to just cover my tame thoughts. Nothing I say makes sense, so rhyming is out of the question.
I believe in flying the US flag daily, so I am spot on with the decorative traditions - I guess 1 out of 3 isn't so bad.

Back to the subject:
Okay, I will say nothing bad about the LAPD and the investigation, if there is serious threats, then go get 'em!

The question is however (again In am politically incorrect, but with change, should come straight talk and straight logic.)

Don't you think she needs an investigation of being a fit mental candidate to be a mom for 14 kids? or even 5 (which is the closest legitimate number she could have been expected to be pre-checked for.
Shouldn't there be a testing for these kinds of possible moms?

Come on...

I didn't even get the cab in gear, as the passenger limit for a passenger taxi cab is 5. She couldn't even take them to a fertility clinic...
Oh - my bad.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What drives the market?

The pundits, the press and the talking trash cans on wall street, the TV stations and the financial news stations are all selling something or someone. Consider their motives to be saying something, instead of working at a discussion about solutions.

They unanimously gave the Secretary of the Treasury credit for the market fall yesterday. Woohee! To be so powerful. They were ALL wrong. That is they were incorrect. They said things that were not true. They lied. I know, what I just wrote is politically incorrect, but we are for 'change' - right? So let's start telling the truth. Painful isn't always the final result of truth, it goes away as the truth sets you free.

Yesterday the market fell further before Geitner spoke than it did during and after he spoke.
So YOU decide what caused the fall. Do not let those other guys tell you. You can figure it out every day. It only takes a watch, note pad, addition and subtraction and a few minutes to gather the daily chart of the market indexes. Note the index level at the minute, and then weigh the 'news' they are reporting, you may see that the market is driven by fear, greed and emotion. In my opinion, the last is the most important piece. They each play a part and need each other to show shifts in market value.

Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geitner, does not appear to have that charismatic presence we like in our public speakers, however, he had a message to deliver that seemed unclear. Maybe next time he will have something to say that is based on information. Yesterday the message appeared to be an attempt to say something was being done to discover the key to unlocking this economic challenge. It seemed to be a message directed at appeasing the impatient needs of American citizens to see some positive results of their voting. (Do you realize President Obama has only been President for 22 days?)
Geitner's message would have maybe been better for all of our expectations to have said: "We are just not clear about this. We have so much to do. The solution may involve some black swans. I will be vague and unclear because today the keys are still in the haystack."

I would encourage everyone to consider that at 10 billion dollars a day, we could come clean of the deficit we are driving our economy into. That is: at near 10,000,000,000 dollars a day in positive sales of goods, our country would still not overcome the debt of 1,000,000,000,000 dollars we are piling up as debt.

Have a nice day, the cab fare is still only measured in dollars and cents. Just go buy a cup of coffee for a homeless American. The need may be for you to buy it for me very soon.

Back to the opening question:
So what drives the market? We do as investors and savers. Protect yourself. See if you can 'not spend' something on a geegaw today, as it may become a cup of soup tomorrow. If you are young, continue to save in a retirement treasury bill, and if you are old, start being good to your offspring.
Have a smart day. Do not believe everything 'they' say.
I am going to go read Susie Orman. She has a new book: "2009 Action Plan" while I await my next cab fare.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What are people thinking?

1. The economy is in a spiral. So the government is going to do a rescue and a TARP.
Now, another stimulus bill. Also talking about another 360 Trillion additional appropriation. People want the President to be responsible, without learning the details themselves.

It is our money folks, we need to know what is happening.

Can you explain these bills? Most cannot. I am lost, I cannot explain them. Scary!

2. IRAQ: Do you have a 16 month calendar counting down on "No American Troops in IRAQ," which was the election platform of the President. He was elected still stating that the acceptable level of danger to America would allow that by the time 16 months would have rolled past.

3. Afghanistan: I actively suggest that the book "A brief history of Afghanistan" by Shaista Wahab and Barry Youngerman, is a book the contents of which we should all understand. The book tells of the history, politics, indigenous borders, religious differences, and the humanitarian values of Afghanistan and some of Pakistan.
What are we doing when we haven't changed operational methods from what the President campaigned against? Who has the President's ear? Does the President suffer from overload? Has he forgotten the platform he campaigned with said: "we will talk." In the event that fails, we will act. When did he talk to the people we are bombing in this war front?

4. Democrats and Republicans are still playing the same old game of divide and accomplish nothing. When is the 'Change' going to begin to occur? When is the power of our government going to be positioned to act for the country before their individual political power?

5. The money give away: Where are these trillions of dollars going? I understand that many citizens are content to think that these bills are necessary and the only thing we can do for the good of the country. I am not sure about that.

My argument is about: How are we going to protect the money from greed and graft and corruption?

I am not in favor of giving any money to any person, place or thing that cannot face both criminal and civil prosecution for violating the best interest of the country as a whole.

Is my expectation any more unreasonable than for the citizenry to blindly accept it on good faith that the money will be the answer and handled safely and effectively?

Here is the real question and the important topic. This is the real issue of significance. We really can agree to set up a dialog on how this topic will resolve itself by next year.

6. Who is going to win the NASCAR Sprint cup championship this year?

What are people thinking?

Enjoy the NASCAR ride. Racing started last night at Daytona. Watch it again next Sunday, you know I will be.
The fare for this trip is paid, I apologize if when you got in the cab you wanted to go to someplace besides a race track. Please get out now, I am going to watch Speed TV.
What are people thinking?