Sunday, February 22, 2009

National Safety

India is a very poor country. People there are as smart as every where else.
India is having a very hard time with terrorists. Terrorists regularly and randomly murder Indian citizens daily.
India is arming its citizens to thwart terrorism because they think that will work.

America is (was) a wealthy country. People in America are as smart as every where else.
America doesn't have a hard time with in country terrorists. Americans are presently safe on their streets.
Americans are an armed society.

Some Americans want to take guns away from responsible gun safe people.

Some responsible gun safe Americans want to teach gun safety to ALL citizens, so it will be safe for everyone to own guns.

Some Americans want to require all Americans who own ANY gun to register and pay a registration fee and secure a license / permit to own each gun.
The proposed fee for such a licensing is approximately $ 25. That is $ 25 for each gun. The proposal says that this license would require renewal at about 5 year intervals.
I suggest that for $25 per student, I can teach adequate gun handling safety to everyone. It would not require renewal, EVER.
That would include a registry to record such training.

There are states that have progressed from a culture of licensing concealed gun carry permits to a culture of carrying a gun does not require a permit after gun safety training.

There are states that are attempting to make the possession of a gun a felony.

There are states where people collect their protein and table fare with a gun.
There are states where the people living there think it is unnecessary to own guns - at all.

The bottom line is that we have allowed the 'polite thinking' to permeate the sensibilities of logic.

There are people who would rather kill any innocent person, to support a drug habit.
There are people who would spend money to support these people with drug habits and not teach gun safety.

The next time you read your Daily Advertiser (Newspaper) headlines, just recall that the headlines could be that the Mayor, Governor or President actually told the truth and said we have as many people on the dole, welfare, handout, charity, you pick your name for it as we do paying taxes.

The next time you blow a red light, don't signal a lane change or a turn, just recognize that you are a part of the National safety problem.
You are, in committing that little illegal maneuver, a contributing reason that the police have to spend so much of their budget on traffic and not on crime protection.

If people would stop thinking of themselves, and begin to think of the whole bunch of us, we would begin to reduce the burden of crime, violence, welfare, food shelter and work shortage, social strata perceptions, poverty, trash in the environment, crimes against the citizens that are unable to protect themselves, pet cruelty, drug abuse, domestic abuse, traffic problems etc.
We would be able to take whatever of the stimulus money that might trickle down and attack all or any one of these items in a positive and effective way.

Now those of you who know me, you know I am no Bleeding heart, or Joe Straight or a Do-gooder. I am an opinionated, salty ol' bastard at times. I have my mind made up, but can be budged to reconsider.

So, I ranted on longer than I wanted, and ranged way wide of what I planned. I apologize for that and will soon begin a project to write a memoir, where some of this opinion will be focused - which might relieve some and for sure will make this more conducive to complete reading.

I think I got the response links repaired, however I can always be screamed at at:

Enjoy the race from Fontanac CA this afternoon. Attendance is down as a result of the economy, so I will end this ride at the race track, and waive the fare to help reduce the economic effect on my favorite sport.
Anchorage didn't have well organized racing. We used to race down (or up) Northern Lights Blvd.

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