Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine flu information day-to-day

To learn the latest about swine flu, without all of the "news" hype

I typed in simply who to search and was connected directly with this site.

Again, I have the windows up, and the fan turned off. I am taking no fares, as yet, so I cannot charge a cab fare.

Whew! I better find a car wash and get a shower...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine flu update of facts

Here is the latest info on swine flu. A FAQ if you are interested.

GENEVA – A swine flu outbreak that appears to have caused fatalities in humans in Mexico and nonfatal cases in the United States prompted the World Health Organization this weekend to urge countries around the world to be alert for suspicious cases of influenza.

WHO chief Margaret Chan says the global body is taking the outbreak very seriously, though comparisons with the 1918 epidemic are premature.

Here are some facts about swine flu:

Q. What is swine flu?

A. Swine flu is a highly contagious acute respiratory disease normally found in pigs. It spreads through tiny particles in the air or by direct contact. According to WHO it tends to infect large numbers of a given pig population, killing between 1 and 4 percent of those affected. Not every animal infected displays symptoms.

Q. Where do outbreaks occur?

A. Swine flu is considered endemic in the United States, and outbreaks in pigs have also been reported elsewhere in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and parts of eastern Asia.

Q. How do humans contract the virus?

A. People usually become infected through contact with pigs, though some cases of LIMITED human-to-human transmission have been reported.

Q. Is it safe to eat pork products?

A. WHO says properly handled and prepared pork products are safe to eat. The swine flu virus dies when cooked at temperatures of 160°F/70°C or higher.

Q. How high is the risk of a pandemic?

A. Since the swine flu outbreaks in Mexico and U.S. Were identified, the risk of a pandemic has increased. Health officials worry the swine flu might develop into a form easily spread among humans. To do this, it could combine with a human flu virus or mutate on its own into a transmissible form. Experts worry that the more the virus circulates, the more likely a pandemic strain will emerge. But there is no way to predict when a pandemic strain will develop.

Q. Does a vaccine exist?

A. Pigs in North America are routinely vaccinated for swine flu, but no vaccine exists for humans. In any case, the flu virus evolves quickly, meaning that vaccines are soon obsolete. Health officials say there is no suggestion that the vaccine prepared for seasonal flu will protect against swine flu.

While people who are given the seasonal flu vaccine will probably be not protected against swine flu, it may prevent them from getting the seasonal flu. If they are then infected with swine flu, that reduces the possibility of the two flus mixing in that person to create a potential pandemic strain.

Q. What other treatment is there?

A. The swine flu virus detected in Mexico and the United States appears to respond to treatment with oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). In terms of prevention, maintaining good hygiene, for example regular hand-washing and staying a safe distance from those infected, may help.

There is no cab fare, as I am riding around with the fan off and the windows rolled up - alone.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

This scratches the inside of my head

Why can a bank receive billions of dollars without collateral when a citizen has to provide collateral?

Using the same reference to funds:
The US Treasury loaned about $1,000,000 in a week in August 07.
The US Treasury loaned about $400,000,000,000 in a week in October 08

Is there really a separation between borrowing and face value?
Is there a reason I am paying only if I collateralize, and the bank can get money on a few words?

Is it true that the Chinese, Mexican, Russian, Philipine, Japanese, South Korean or you name a government do not have to collateralize?


Just get out of the cab, you are entitled to something for free. No fare, no worry.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Changing times?

So what did you think of that video from last post? Didn't go there? It isn't too late to copy and paste the link...
We need to get 'er done while we can.

Changing times?

Consider getting married vs. not getting married:

In the formative days of our country, marriage was something that people made it a point to do if they were going to live together. Sometimes they had to go to a great deal of trouble to get it done. Why'd they bother? I suspect there was a lot of problem with being a bastard. That is what they used to call children born out of wedlock. There was of course the 'Church" and all of its zeal. Also, there was the commitment.

Today, I hear weekly or more frequently, 'Why get married?'

'Why can't we get married?'
I observe that this question most frequently is related to becoming entitled to some 'benefit' or some such. I understand that there are relationship reasons also. However my observation for all of these years is that there is a financial reason among all of the other reasons.
So why do those who have been denied marriage want it and so many who are able to get married not interested?

Again - 'benefits' are usually in the mix.

The exception I observe to much of this, and I am not saying this is true for all; is that the rich and famous and those who are so unable to 'commit' say 'who needs to be married? Why get married? What purpose does it serve?'

Well, in MHO it is a sign of disrespect to not be married and to be having children. It is a slap in the face to the kids. It is a good thing for parents to be committed enough to suffer through the frights of marriage to raise kids.

That said, I find it deplorable that there are so many people, 'families', that have taken the bastard route for the 'benefits' and not taken the route to having kids that are full family members instead.

Some lawyers, judges, congresswomen and congressmen have created a social disease that makes it 'better' for people to live together and raise children that are bastards.

We can blame ourselves for not demanding that the law and rule makers and enforcers stop doing this to our society.
Hey, let's have an election and get some more of those twisted thinkers in there to see what else they can do wrong.
Be careful the next time you call one of them a bastard, you could just be right.

I once took a congress woman in my cab. She asked me to take her home. She was too drunk to tell me where she lived. She gave me her drivers license to get the address. Now I am not implying that they are all like that, however she is the one I came in contact with and it is like the blindfolded woman touching an elephant... it depends on what part of the elephant she touches, whether she thinks it is a prospective date, or an old orange... The congress woman was an orange for me.
Hope you enjoyed the ride.
The cab fare is charged to the government, they are the only ones besides my brother who have any money these days. I salute my brother. I will not start on the Treasury Department.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pay attention here! - please

Give this a try when you think you are someone else.
I am still right here.
What have I become?