Friday, May 8, 2009

Disagree - Agree - "Nuts." / Nutty

Disagree - Agree - "Nuts."/Nutty

Definitions for this blog:

Webster: 1. to differ in opinion; have an unpleasant effect.

Webster: CONCEDE (Websters caps not mine)

In Webster the closest thing is nutty.
Webster: mentally unbalanced.

The blog:
Isn't it interesting that people have a shared experience and not agree about what it was?

Friends can be moved to a limbo of limited, selfish, unforgiving, rigid, huffy, blaming, accusing, small minded 'non friend' (NF) status over the stupidest of things.

One person chooses NF; the other is stuck in confusion.

A self chosen limiting view of another person most often is the cause for these NF breakdowns.

I have been on the edge of this kind of bad choice because of what I observe as self centered unbending closed minded smallness way too many times to list.

Why is it that the choice to limit their view has to be the choice; instead of choosing an open dialog an eventual agreement and realization that the event, issue, or occurrence occurred in the past?

The present is now.

All of the hurt feelings, indignation, 'I was wronged' thoughts, the unforgiving occurred in the past. Why do people hang on to that crap?

What is the reward for keeping that alive in your life when it is healthier, easier and more fun to just move forward and laugh at ourselves?

I sometimes become 'mired in' trying to locate the reward for this kind of childish pettiness and negative choice.

I am guilty of some of this. When it is pointed out to me, or when I see it, I just plain say: "Nuts." "I am over that and attempt to repair any damage I can."

I just was confronted with an example where it took me 10 months to get to that point. I thankfully was confronted by the other person, in person. The resulting conversation revealed that I am now 'clear' with them. I have apologized, that has been acknowledged and the air is clear. How hard was that? "Nuts."

I however seem to be stuck with being on the edge of some one else's pettiness and insecurity and their choice to hang onto the past.

Being on the edge in this case really has taught me that:

"When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen -
There will be something solid on which to stand
you will be taught to fly."

Today I am standing firmly on the side of
Let go of "disagree."

I hate not getting to fly! If only there was "agree"?

(The next blog): "What is it you pretend not to know?"

Cab fare was picked up by Rebecca Grace Jones - in 2004

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