Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Blog and spam

Blog and Spam

Someone turned my blog in to the blog gods and I was removed from blogging for a while. After a silent trial of emails, I was returned to the ethernet with an 'cause unfounded' verdict.

Such a relief for some to have me silenced for a short time.

I may have something more to say soon, and I am looking forward to saying it.
Just a heads up to the 'culprit.'

I may be silenced for a while, however, I am determined to rant and rave as I can, if not here - then at a new site.
This site has been a hassle from the beginning, and I am once again searching for one that will not be so addled by political correctness.

I will stop with a simple saying that I found at the very beginning of my latest read:

"Enchantment and Exploitation"
William deBuys

"... in an unforgiving environment, small errors yield large consequences."

If that doesn't get your head started, you are eating a different word experience than I am.

Ever get in a taxicab with a thinker?

I had a self proclaimed preacher of some esoteric denomination of his own 'creation' that lighted incense in the backseat of the cab to "cleanse the sins" of what undoubtedly had happened in the cab before he ever sat his sorry ass on the clean seats.
The incense burned only as long as it took me to pull over and toss it into the roadway.
He was beside it in an instant and I was gone about two seconds later.
Whew, I didn't think I would ever get the air cleared out. Smelled like China Town San Francisco for days.

He got a short free ride, and so have you here.
Fare not collected, as it is time to pull over and think of something such as:

"... in an unforgiving environment, small errors yield large consequences."


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