Friday, December 12, 2008


All grandsons are entities that have no equal.

Kendahl is mine. I am his only surviving grandpa.

With the only surviving title comes some interesting responsibility and pressure.

I love him. I love the special relationship and all it entails.

He proved himself to be a chip off of his other grandfather and his dad and hopefully me this past weekend.

We went pheasant hunting in the panhandle of Texas.

He was successful in bagging his target and all of the hunters in the group seemed comfortable with his obvious awareness of the seriousness of having a gun in his hands.

Not once did I consider that he had more to learn: Bravo!!

This posting was interrupted by a glitch, at my fault.
I hope all understand how inept I am at this computer stuff.

So, who is next to plese me?

Good job Kendahl. You make your grandpa Dale and I am sure your Grandfather Norris very proud.

Oh yeah, Thanks to Will for doing such a complete job of instilling gun safety in Kendahl.

Fare was paid by my pride of Kendahl this trip.
CABBY (Grandpa Dale)

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