Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Call you - me

Ever think of someone while walking to your gate at the airport?
While waiting for your coffee to cool while in Starbucks?
While waiting for the car at a fast lube store?
While having a craft brew in a local brewery?

Ever want to hear form someone who hasn't called?
Well, place yourself in their shoes. (See top three lines).

Pick up the phone, or cell, blackberry, iphone, vonage, or even your keyboard and:
"Commence firing!" (Dail the thing!)

Communicate, commit and care.

Just know that I was thinking of you right now, and picked up the keyboard. I used the cell yesterday, and the cell again last night. You know it caused me no pain and cost you no cab fare.
Of course, I am so guilty of all of this that I still have some to call tomorrow...

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