Friday, June 12, 2009



America's Heritage Dictionary: (Electronic Pocket)
To enter the name of in a register, record or roll.

The New Merriam-Webster Dictionary: (Pocket book size)
To enter or register on a roll or list. To offer (oneself) for enrolling.

Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary (Library Size - BIG)
To enter in a list, catalog or roll. ENTER, JOIN (enroll in school).

Dale's head: (Large but Empty)
The act of loving and caring enough to go as far as necessary to know I have gone too far to determine what can be learned about another person's willingness to pursue the life they want - and know they can have.

David White: (Quick 'off the top' of his gorgeous head)
"Sharing my life with others"

Today's blog is clearly written for myself.

Sorry I do not mean to bore you.

If we have one thing that is clearly our life's full purpose, then we are shorting all of the other possibilities. I maintain that the purpose of each life is to accomplish what we uniquely can contribute. To do what no other person will be able to do. To make whatever we can of each day, hour, minute, second. To stay in the present.
To realize each and every day that there will be no other day for any other human being EVER like the one we have right now.

So what is the blog message?
Go enroll.
Go share your life with others.
Be who you uniquely are today.
Do not pass up this special one time only opportunity to contribute what you are the only one who can.
Enroll yourself in the life you know is possible.
If you do not know what I am talking about, let's talk. I may not be eloquent, but I do know what this can mean.

Go ENTER your life! The life you know you can have. It will be wildly and rewardingly and satisfyingly better than the life you have now. Enroll yourself in the idea that you can have the life you want. Do not settle.

We have been at a railroad crossing for the Durbin Rocket. A lot more fun than sitting at the railroad crossings down by Ship Creek in downtown Anchorage on a cold dark winter afternoon. Never got hit by a train, however I did have my cab struck by a bus.

No cab fare for being stopped at a rail crossing.

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