Thursday, January 22, 2009

Beer flavored Doritos

New York Times on the net today:
Touts beer flavored Doritos.
Microsoft canceling 5,000 jobs.

Anchorage Times this morning:
Palin to give state of the state tonight, you can watch it streaming at
Alaska to lose jobs for first time in 20 years.
Murkowski to have seat on appropriations committee. (Stevens used to chair this committee.) She gave up a chair on the Foreign Relations Committee.

Albuquerque Journal today:
Coaches allegedly knew of hazing; Staff accused of drinking at camp
Don't feel sorry for the Governor He loves the job.(remember the one with his hands in the till)

Here is the point.
Everyday we are told what the news is.
Everyday we accept it as the news.
Everyday we do not read a paper, we can decide what the news is.

There are so many choices for the news today, I haven't chosen the local paper in almost a month.

I have a 'frequent' button on my computer that takes me to the headlines around the country.
The last time I was there was right after the election. I guess I don't use it much either.
- just in case you are interested.

Not reading the local paper has saved me a walk out to the cold driveway, and being disappointed early in the morning. I do not sense that I have missed much - as you will probably think of this - when you have read this.
No fare for this trip, we just sat and read the paper.

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