Monday, January 19, 2009


Well, I went to see a movie.
No, I do not think of movies as important, any more than I think of those who make them as important.

The movie I saw was the David Frost / Richard Nixon drama.

We are indeed due a change. I hope we do not head back to those types of politicians, those certainly were not the good old days.

Without going into details, I can only say that I am happy to have seen this movie prior to Inauguration Day.

We have been promised 'change' and have not really had it defined, so who knows what to expect. However, I bet if we had a wishing tree, your hopes and mine for change would be so similar that it would become boring after sharing just a few of our personal expectations.

I know we all expect something, tho.

I had hoped to see cooperation and lack of a dividing line down the center of the Senate and House.

However, as of the last discussion of the Financial Crisis issue, it seems like nothing has changed.

So, with a black President, we are anticipating a removal very soon of segregation of blacks and whites. Too bad that same kind of removal isn't looking like it might be in the future of the Dems and Repubs.

We may have a new definition of segregation: The haves /have nots; the Dems / Repubs; the bailed out / the non bailed out; the employed / the unemployed; the insured / the uninsured, etc. Business as usual?

I am actually amazed at how little good I expect to really see in this change.
Oh well, I may just have been Tricky Dicked.

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