Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Father's Day is a celebration inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting, and to honor and commemorate fathers and forefathers. Father's Day is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide and typically involves gift-giving, and special dinners to fathers and family-oriented activities. In 2008, it will be celebrated on June 15 in most countries.

Thank you

If there were a father that we could all look at and know we were observing a ‘how to do it’ example, whom would you chose?
My instinct is to be protective and say “My dad.”

However, my father image is principally my maternal grandfather, Louis Troyer Meisner.
He is the one person who took the care and interest to tell me how to behave so that others were respected and considered in what ever action I was involved.
‘Gramps’ was the one who said over and over and over, “ If someone else can do it, so can I.”
My roll as a father left a lot to be done as I look back. I would change how I did parts of it. The changes are not possible, however I still think about them.
Some of my day today will be spent remembering the men who were influential in my shaping as a young boy.
I will list some of them in honor of how they influenced me.
Lou Meisner, “Gramps”; Hank Harris, Dad; Nick, brother;
Bob Chappell, cousin; Jack Chappell, cousin; Mr. Culbertson, Teacher; Mr. Hagan, Teacher; Dick Turner, “Turney” Navy shipmate.
Many more, I will recall through the day.
So to you who are a father, and for those who are roll models and a positive influence in the life of a young boy, I say:
Happy Father’s Day
A special acknowledgment to a few men I know are great fathers:
Will Harris, Mike Burley, Dick Turner (I do remember that Dick died this last Spring), David White, Jim Peasley, George Weir, John Kirkpatrick, Don Clocksin, Gary Bacon, Jeff Harden, Ray Smith, John Boyt and "Ketch" Ketchum.
Oh yeah, don’t forget the gift giving…
If you read this far, the fare is paid.

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