Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tell Me It Isn’t So

It is though.

The voting has begun, and we will next be noticing whose chest will be saying: 1 20 13.

When will those divisive bumper stickers come off the cars? I saw a Kerry and a Bush sticker as recently as last week.

We can complain and make the statement, “Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for him”.

Who wants to go into business with me selling count down clocks and T shirts?


Maybe he will be the answer to our needs and we will say, “I voted for him.” and be making excuses for him.

Please don't gloat. It is rude and a put down. My mom would wash your mouth out with soap if you did it around her.

Either way, I will always not tell you how I voted. My mom used to say that to vote was “a responsibility, and it is none of your business how I voted”.

In the past I recall that it was important to me how others voted. I realize this year that I do not care, as neither of them spoke to me about the important issues that might have been cause for me to say, “Ah hah, that does it, I’m voting for him”.

There will be graft, favors repaid, cronies, social issues reflected in the new Supreme Court Justices appointed and a new first pet. There will be four more pardoned turkeys and four more more egg rolls, there will be four more annual Christmas tree lighting's and four more Fourth of July celebrations. There will be four more laying wreaths on the tomb of the unknown soldier, and the flag will fly at half mast a few more times. All in all, we are still America, don't forget it.

Will he have a global awareness and make green decisions about what cars to buy and be driven around in? Will he cut the emissions of his travel by reducing staff that travels and the size of the press corps that travel? Will he work toward an America that will “Invent, Invent, Invent?”

Will we be smart as a population and not expect him to get any significant policy changes in place within ‘100 days?’

Will he communicate with us? Will he be committed to us? Will he connect with us?

Are we willing to communicate, commit and connect with him?

Let’s all go buy a bumper sticker that says:

"I pledge myself to do and be my best for all of my fellow Americans".

I hope you voted for the winner, we certainly need one.

Fare is paid since it is my gift to help you take on a little extra to remember how lucky we all are to be on this side of the border.


1 comment:

Andrew said...

It might be and probably is an issue of semantics, but I would say that voting is not a responsibility. I would argue that the responsibility is to be politically informed. I personally don't uninformed people voting, I want them staying home (informed does not mean watching tv either). It scares me that uniformed people vote based upon what they think a candidate will do for them, without taking into consideration that a candidate will say anything to get elected.

We must look at track records (when they exist), past affiliations, past accomplishments, legislative records, etc. The founding fathers were afraid of uninformed masses, hence the electoral college.

And if I may editorialize briefly by ending with some wisdom from one of our previous leaders. Please think when you go to vote, "government does not solve problems, it subsidizes them."