Thursday, October 1, 2009

The "Lasts" - A Sign of the Future

Today was the last day I will be first unemployed, without a job, no prospects, no resume', no interview, no appointments, no presentations to make, no catalogs to distribute, no calls to return, no stamps to lick, no complaints to sort through, no more work.

I know, how can all of these items be relative to me?
The helm of the Curves is today up to the new owner.

What is the relevance of the title of this post?

Well, the last payroll has been calculated. The last restlessness at 6 am has occurred. The last commercial utility account has been closed, the credit card processor has drawn it's last, the last commercial transaction line at the bank has been waited in.

I've received the last alarm company call about an alarm and the last bill from the Albuquerque City for alarm response has been paid. The last lead bag placed.
No more BR's, no more webinars, no more projection sheets, no more mis-management by a pathetic owners association, and no more franchiser. No more fighting with job flakes about undeserved unemployment. You get the idea? No more paying city, county, state, fed, employment, unemployment, social security, sales taxes, and inventory taxes. No more surcharges for commercial uses of government facilities, like water, power, trash police and fire department.

Will I miss it? No.

So what will take up my time?
Painting on canvas, board, paper, glass, vinyl, stainless steel mesh and clay.
Drawing and sketching.

Volunteer at some community event or activity once per year or so.

Quick short trips around the country to see long ago friends, relatives and sights and places. Healthier life decisions: Cellared wine, craft beer, aged scotch, whiskey and bourbon. Fine food prepared at home for friends and guests, etc, etc.

Ceramics. Home gardening, house trim in and out painted, trim repaired, Christmas,
blogging, Grand kids, family, friends.

You get the idea.

Please do not call too early tomorrow.
Cab is on blocks for the night. No ride, no fare.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What would it be called today, and where is it?

Self-reliance, individualism, inventiveness, pragmatism, mobility and restlessness. These are the characteristics of a people in an era gone, and yet seemingly returning to some of the most amazing stretches of America.

Get out of your rut and take some head clearing time and visit some of the areas of the country where the population is declining to the internationally recognized standard for 'vacant' land as a separate measurement from land of a 'frontier' which is also a recognized measure of land, people, usage, along with population density.

Did you know (I hope to have you care by the end of this post)? that the only population increasing in some stretches of the middle plain states and the high tier Canadian border states of the U. S. is the American Indian and a few species of once threatened birds, and animals.

So what?

Well, if you will recall your history lessons in that little one room school house you are old enough to have attended, or young enough to have been taught about, the Indians were unceremoniously marched down the streets of the towns of the old west and not so old west to reservations as recently as the early 1900's.

So what?

Well, these people are returning to the lands from which they were forced. They are finding ways to live and return to values of importance to them.

So what?

The Indians are returning to what was once the 'Frontier' of the country as it fulfilled its long harsh intent of eminent domain. What the tribes and small groups of Indians are finding again is what a huge share of the airy fairy population claim to desire. They have found the solitude of living with the land and what it offers and do not dwell on attempting to change the land to fit them. They are again teaching those who care and wonder about this unique place we live. They are showing that the land is open to heal itself, and can support 300 thousand of what was nearly an extinct life line - the buffalo. It is too late for the carrier pigeon, the plains wolves, and the many tribes of people who were trampled with the disease and greed of the westward drive to the 'frontier', however it is not too late for you to see what is going on today to recreate a 'frontier' for the country.

It is not too late for you to see the frontier being reborn.
It IS happening in various places across the west and plains.

You will find people who can and do live through their self-reliance, individualism, inventiveness, pragmatism, mobility and restlessness that make-up the characteristics of people who settled the country during the great rush west. The people who stuck to the ground and didn't necessarily drive all the way West to the coastal states are still represented, however they are now able to live so far apart with cars etc, that there are no communities for gathering and marketing.

Lots of authorities consider the Horace Greeley quote; "Go West young man, go West." as the cry of the doom of the Indian people and the era of the frontier.

I for one think that the paper presented to the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893 by Frederick Jackson to be the grand description of what Horace Greeley was actually saying.

It seems to me, now that much of the plains and west has been recently measured as vacnant and much more as frontier, we can all go west and consider our values and wonder just how much 'stuff' we ought to be collecting on the back fence and walls of our casitas.

How much junk do we get to take with us when we die?

How much do we need to be comfortable and live happy? After all, that we will be able to allow ourselves to live as happy as we can is our biggest fear. Most are unable to create happiness and contentment with what they have.

There is a daily experience that was for thousands of years a non volunteer experience that I'd guess the majority today haven't experienced for possibly years. The peace in a sunset or sunrise. Or even something as simple as experiencing a tomato while standing at the plant and wiping the dust off on your bib overalls as you pull it from the plant and stuff it in your mouth.
Where is the limit to living with the earth and living off of the earth?

At what point in the scheme that allows the Indian as a people to return to live contentedly on the 'frontier' and 'vacant' land where civilization has not been able, do we begin to look for our individual human animal responsibility? What is our real responsibility to the earth and to our fellow inhabitants on earth?

Is it really as simple as to just live as happily as I can while causing as little impact on others as possible so that when I die, there will not be a carbon footprint, monuments and shrines to my having been here? Is it my responsibility to leave here and have someone say of me. "He was happy."

The answer is to listen to your mind chatter less, and listen to the sunrises, sunsets, waterfalls, rainbows, butterflies, buffalo, tall grasses and the birds. Do not forget to smell the roses,also.

No cab fare, as there is no place for me to spend it in a 'vacant' or 'frontier' land as you could find out if you would get out of the rut.

Oh yes, here is a link to what Fredrick Jackson Turner had to say :


Friday, September 25, 2009

Nothing posted for weeks, and now twice in a few days - go figure.

This is a piece I wrote out long hand while watching and listening to a Charlie Rose bit late one night recently:

Oh, for the days of our military pilots doing "touch and gos" to stay qualified and prepared.

The airspace over our cities occupied by our 'best in the world'; now that was a sense of peace and security.

Attempt to watch them today, and you'll be in a 'forward observers position' which because of the evolution of society would require you to be in a combat zone.

Or should that be evolution of religion instead of evolution of society.

Now then, this posting can go two directions here, the one about religion, or the one I am focused upon.

The religious one seems futile in todays world, so I will stick to my original idea here.

What visible signs of our 'might' are left for us?

Ships in port? Battalions on CONUS (stationed in the continental US). Sailors, soldiers, Coasties and Marines in our airports? Just a small portion of what we were used to seeing before this religious war commenced back in the Clinton days.

These are all we 'see' any more.

Is it because all of the hardware is deployed? What about training? Recovery from the stresses of the action? Families? What about change?

Well, in reading "In Search of America" by Jennings and Brewster, I found in the intro the following which was written mourning the passing of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams:

"The Republic will cease to be," offered the eulogist, "when it ceases to remember, to revere, and to imitate the virtues of its founders."

So where are we in relation to what the founders of this Republic expected and wanted?

Since I offer no conclusions and have left this with a question, I will not post a fare for the ride...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

6 Years

6 years and a glass of Port with a little triple cream Bree cheese.
A celebration we had! We sat at the kitchen table. We talked of this night 6 years ago. We called our Treasured friend, Rachael for whom we were compelled to leave a message that thanked her for this night, 9 22 03 (six years ago).

Now, back to today.

Curves is still going strong.
We are worn out. We are, at long over 60, beginning to feel the results of the abuse we have heaped upon our bodies and minds over the years. Hopefully by the time we reach the celebration for the 7th year, we will have worked out how to not have the daily requirements of the life we have chosen seem so intrusive and exhausting. Hopefully by the next celebration, we will have figured out how to fulfill our happiness as a steady 24 hour achievement. Hopefully we will be looking back at the 7th year as a gift that springs us to a new level of happiness.

The original plan was to do five years, divide the territory in 1/2 and sell the two pieces. We are at six years I remind you. What happened to the five year mark and that plan?

This is still a possibility, however not likely, due to the present economy.

There are stories to tell that I have written down of tales and experiences and people, however sharing those will have to be a different posting.

What I want you to know is that the door we walked through six years ago, is still open, we can see back through it, however: "There is no going back." The futile struggle that would be required to attempt to go back just makes me tired to consider. I see and hear people all of the time saying and talking like it was easy to go back. It is not easy or possible, so looking forward is the real way to celebrate. We did.

We agreed over the port and cheese that we have no business regrets, and that if it weren't for people we would have no regrets at all. We have had lots of disappointments that do not concern the club, mostly disappointments about people and how easily they seem to give up on themselves.

In this day and age; with the present economy, world level strife, racial and religious prosecution, radicals on the right and left, politicians that are not taking care of our world and domestic best interests, what do we have to look forward toward?

The future is ours to chose for ourselves. We cannot rely on others to get us to the fulfillment of our main purpose in life. This life purpose is often circuitously discussed, however the main purpose (to be as happy as we want to be) is seldom declared aloud. It doesn't sell newspapers! and - most people do not think they can achieve it!

I have stopped the local paper. I do not watch the National, local, nor the world news. I seldom watch live TV, and race through the commercials to enjoy what I record to watch later.

As a result, I find the days are the same length (too damned short), the work necessary for me to complete is the same and that the things (news) that I need to know, I can read daily via a great website called:

Now then, what is this post about?

Know that even though the anniversary of opening the club was for the sixth year, we have more days and years (hopefully) of work to get through to be as happy as we want.

The cab has been parked for the month of August. Reasons are personal. Maybe probably I will explain why next time I post.

A good friend, (does anyone have a bad friend?) told me to blog about why I haven't been blogging. Maybe I will....

Since this post is a celebration announcement, I have waived the fare.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Attitudes: A self test

"You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think." CoM

So the old adage: "You are what you think you are" can be supported by a test.

The test:
Get off by yourself.

By yourself:
Think mean nasty and derisive thoughts about either yourself or your closet, or your garage or ??? (not someone else!)

Go on about your day. Notice how the day seems to have a tilted attitude toward the negative.

Now, at about the time limit for your ability to stand the tilted view or when you see the negative as clearly as you want... go off by yourself again.

By yourself:
Mentally reestablish in your mind that this is an experiment to see the effects of your thoughts on yourself.

Quiet your mind chatter enough to wrest control of your thoughts and think of something that is powerfully positive for you. You will know what to think about: personal, pleasant, important, and again not a person.

Go again off into your day and continue to observe the influence of the brain with positive pleasure in the minds' recesses.. (No, do not send your mind out to recess - only the little kids get those).

End of experiment.

Each morning as I awaken, I apply a routine that has mostly allowed me to, as Rhona Barrett used to say: "Think the good thoughts".

I look out the window at the darkness, and imagine the glow of the coming sunrise and say to myself: "Fuckin' A - Dale lives".

As I absorb the wonder of that, (I have had so many friends and family not live as long as I have) I actively smile and
inwardly then say to myself: "This is the best day ever".

I then get up and go about a day filled with all of the same stuff as other people. I just burn through the day with this acceptance of what I cannot change, and the mental position to allow me to change the things that I can if need be.

Make sure to clear any negative thought position for this experiment prior to going to sleep.

"Think the good thoughts".

Is it possible that I didn't start the meter? Yes. Too many times in real life, sort of like not knowing how to set up each day with positive ideas.
I hope you enjoyed the free ride (and advise).


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Change and resposibility

I have been thinking about Change and responsibility.

If we were to have another chance at the vote for President last year, would it result in a different outcome? I do not think so, even in hindsight.

If the average American were to go back in time to the election and admit to what they perceived the word “CHANGE” to mean to them, would they step up to Gandhi? Gandhi is quoted as saying;
"You must be the change you want to see in the world."

Would each of us accept that our own words describing what we would like changed are our own message to our selves to "be" that change?

If we accept the premise that the “CHANGE” we hoped for would be our own responsibility. If we then accepted the responsibility to effect that change. We would be better off not locking up dope smugglers and releasing on parole serious felons, as one example. Pick your own change here, please.

I have taken on a few changes I hope to see. I anticipate that you will consider what “CHANGE” you will be responsible to see occur by you "being" that change.

Here’s your change, thanks for finally paying it forward, oh sorry, got carried away with ‘responsibility’ and included yet another responsibility - paying it forward.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009



A day to remember my mom and dad.
A day to attempt to remember clearly any other single birthday. Seems harder this year to remember anything actually.
A day to consider that I am an exception - to have lived this long. (From a book called "Outliers." by Malcolm Gladwell.)
A day to remember that I am a "Black Swan" a book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
To enjoy a funny email bd greeting, a song sung on the telephone, cards and a DVD CD of Robert Prechter at the London School of Economics.


What would happen if Face Book didn't have birthday reminders?
Would nearly no one send greetings? I just love being the center of attention for a few hours a year. I am at least my center of attention - outrageously!

(Oh by the way; did anyone observe the close visual proximity of Mars and Venus in the NE sky on the 21st? We were overcast at night from the 20th through the 22nd, so i missed it.)

I once celebrated the summer solstice by taking the cab to the Russian River, parking in the parking lot and hiking up the trail to Russian Lake and fishing and camping overnight near the USFS shelter East of the foot of the lake. Spectacular. (and rainy if I recall correctly)
I got back to the cab, to find a note asking me to go to one of the camp sites and to drive someone to Anchorage when I returned to Anchorage if I came back before one of the days of the weekend.
I do not recall taking anyone, so that was what we called a DUD in cab lingo.
Who could imagine getting a DUD out in the edge of the Alaskan wilds about 107 miles from town?

Oh well, life in the 49th state in the '70's.

Have a great day, you can count on me having a great day.
In fact this day, just like every one that follows will be the best day ever. Think about it!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Down" and what it refers to...

"Down" and what it refers to...
Down is a lot of things:

1.) An attitude often resulting from looking at check book balances. (You younger generation may not know what this is, with all of the electronic banking going on.)
1.) My attitude is one of gratitude today when I look at the balance in my checking account. Even though it is steeply declining as the economy and inflation are eating up my money. Compared to a great many others, I am okay right now.

2.) Attitude of someone not seeing all of the possibilities of the moment.
2.) I gave up on being down and narrow minded and locked in to anything I said or took a position about earlier. I see possibilities and responsibilities of more than this change in my agreement with myself now. I see that the new information I can unexpectedly receive if I can just be open to it, is most helpful if accepted without some predeclared attitude.

3.) Something lower than something else.
3.) I have decided that my composters need to be elevated from being 'down there' so that I can maximize their production. I could not think of anything else I wanted to say for # 3. (Elevating them will allow me to recover the liquid fertilizer they produce, which I currently do not utilize.)

4.) From a higher to a lower place.
4.) The reason I have 8 ladders.

5.) Fine soft fluffy feathers.
5.) The real reason for writing this blog.
I am sending my pillow to the maker so it can be refurbished, cleaned and updated. This is what I wanted to say: "Yikes, I am going to miss it. They will have it for about a week plus shipping. I have the best pillow ever. It is small enough. It will wad up and be all wrinkled. It will lay out flat. It is usually cool on my neck when I lay down on it each night. It can muffle sound, absorb perspiration and show where I slobbered last night. I can fold it into half and it is as tall as I ever want it."

"I will be so happy to have it back."

So what does this have to do with taxicabs?

Not sure, except I never saw an adult get in my cab with their pillow to go to the airport for a trip away; only kids were free enough to desire their pillows stay with them. Damn, maybe I can relive my youth?

Cab fare is paid because I want you to think about just this, not struggle with thoughts from the other side of your brain...

Friday, June 12, 2009



America's Heritage Dictionary: (Electronic Pocket)
To enter the name of in a register, record or roll.

The New Merriam-Webster Dictionary: (Pocket book size)
To enter or register on a roll or list. To offer (oneself) for enrolling.

Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary (Library Size - BIG)
To enter in a list, catalog or roll. ENTER, JOIN (enroll in school).

Dale's head: (Large but Empty)
The act of loving and caring enough to go as far as necessary to know I have gone too far to determine what can be learned about another person's willingness to pursue the life they want - and know they can have.

David White: (Quick 'off the top' of his gorgeous head)
"Sharing my life with others"

Today's blog is clearly written for myself.

Sorry I do not mean to bore you.

If we have one thing that is clearly our life's full purpose, then we are shorting all of the other possibilities. I maintain that the purpose of each life is to accomplish what we uniquely can contribute. To do what no other person will be able to do. To make whatever we can of each day, hour, minute, second. To stay in the present.
To realize each and every day that there will be no other day for any other human being EVER like the one we have right now.

So what is the blog message?
Go enroll.
Go share your life with others.
Be who you uniquely are today.
Do not pass up this special one time only opportunity to contribute what you are the only one who can.
Enroll yourself in the life you know is possible.
If you do not know what I am talking about, let's talk. I may not be eloquent, but I do know what this can mean.

Go ENTER your life! The life you know you can have. It will be wildly and rewardingly and satisfyingly better than the life you have now. Enroll yourself in the idea that you can have the life you want. Do not settle.

We have been at a railroad crossing for the Durbin Rocket. A lot more fun than sitting at the railroad crossings down by Ship Creek in downtown Anchorage on a cold dark winter afternoon. Never got hit by a train, however I did have my cab struck by a bus.

No cab fare for being stopped at a rail crossing.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Blog and spam

Blog and Spam

Someone turned my blog in to the blog gods and I was removed from blogging for a while. After a silent trial of emails, I was returned to the ethernet with an 'cause unfounded' verdict.

Such a relief for some to have me silenced for a short time.

I may have something more to say soon, and I am looking forward to saying it.
Just a heads up to the 'culprit.'

I may be silenced for a while, however, I am determined to rant and rave as I can, if not here - then at a new site.
This site has been a hassle from the beginning, and I am once again searching for one that will not be so addled by political correctness.

I will stop with a simple saying that I found at the very beginning of my latest read:

"Enchantment and Exploitation"
William deBuys

"... in an unforgiving environment, small errors yield large consequences."

If that doesn't get your head started, you are eating a different word experience than I am.

Ever get in a taxicab with a thinker?

I had a self proclaimed preacher of some esoteric denomination of his own 'creation' that lighted incense in the backseat of the cab to "cleanse the sins" of what undoubtedly had happened in the cab before he ever sat his sorry ass on the clean seats.
The incense burned only as long as it took me to pull over and toss it into the roadway.
He was beside it in an instant and I was gone about two seconds later.
Whew, I didn't think I would ever get the air cleared out. Smelled like China Town San Francisco for days.

He got a short free ride, and so have you here.
Fare not collected, as it is time to pull over and think of something such as:

"... in an unforgiving environment, small errors yield large consequences."


Thursday, May 21, 2009

'Too much' and 'Too little'

'Too much' and 'Too little'
I said last posting that I would talk about: "What are you pretending not to know".
Here it is:

Too much

How can we have too much when we create what we have?

Too many bills?
Too long at work?
Too many 'friends' that only send jokes or chain messages without a personal note?
Too many demands on your time?
Too many chores?
Too many health issues?
Too many mean drivers?

You get the idea.

Change your intent.
Results are measured by successfully carrying out your intent.
Change your intent until you get the results you want.

Too little

See how little you can get along with.
Too little money?
Too little time? (Now there is a common excuse!)
Too little love?
Too little conversation?
Too little enjoyment?

Change your intent.
Results are measured by successfully carrying out your intent.
Change your intent until you get the results you want.

I said last posting that I would talk about: "What are you pretending not to know".

There it is.

Just change your intent, and the results will change. Period.

The best example of this in my cab owner/driver days:

Ted came to work and said it was going to be a slow day, because it was Saturday of the weekend and payday was Tuesday. He asked if he could take the day off.
I replied that if he would just go out with the intent to make a pile of money, he would change the day for himself.

He went out to the airport and picked up a fare that he drove to Fairbanks, and made about $450 for himself. A regular good day was about $130.00 for a day.
You see, it was COLD in Fairbanks and the ice fog was THICK. Airport shut down.

Being a smart cab driver, he went out to the airport in Fairbanks and went into the bar and said to the bar tender that he would drive any two people to Anchorage for individual fares of $150 each. He had a bidding war and collected $200 each from three women.

All in all he grossed about $900 that day for a slow day.

Intent. Opportunity. Fortune. Attitude.
You choose.

Fare is paid for this ride. Ted got so drunk celebrating that night after returning to Anchorage, that he called me about 3:30 a.m.and I took him home in the same cab for free.
He never missed the chanced to drive a shift again.
Oh yeah, I made about $100 for the short shift I drove that night after Ted got back to Anchorage.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Disagree - Agree - "Nuts." / Nutty

Disagree - Agree - "Nuts."/Nutty

Definitions for this blog:

Webster: 1. to differ in opinion; have an unpleasant effect.

Webster: CONCEDE (Websters caps not mine)

In Webster the closest thing is nutty.
Webster: mentally unbalanced.

The blog:
Isn't it interesting that people have a shared experience and not agree about what it was?

Friends can be moved to a limbo of limited, selfish, unforgiving, rigid, huffy, blaming, accusing, small minded 'non friend' (NF) status over the stupidest of things.

One person chooses NF; the other is stuck in confusion.

A self chosen limiting view of another person most often is the cause for these NF breakdowns.

I have been on the edge of this kind of bad choice because of what I observe as self centered unbending closed minded smallness way too many times to list.

Why is it that the choice to limit their view has to be the choice; instead of choosing an open dialog an eventual agreement and realization that the event, issue, or occurrence occurred in the past?

The present is now.

All of the hurt feelings, indignation, 'I was wronged' thoughts, the unforgiving occurred in the past. Why do people hang on to that crap?

What is the reward for keeping that alive in your life when it is healthier, easier and more fun to just move forward and laugh at ourselves?

I sometimes become 'mired in' trying to locate the reward for this kind of childish pettiness and negative choice.

I am guilty of some of this. When it is pointed out to me, or when I see it, I just plain say: "Nuts." "I am over that and attempt to repair any damage I can."

I just was confronted with an example where it took me 10 months to get to that point. I thankfully was confronted by the other person, in person. The resulting conversation revealed that I am now 'clear' with them. I have apologized, that has been acknowledged and the air is clear. How hard was that? "Nuts."

I however seem to be stuck with being on the edge of some one else's pettiness and insecurity and their choice to hang onto the past.

Being on the edge in this case really has taught me that:

"When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen -
There will be something solid on which to stand
you will be taught to fly."

Today I am standing firmly on the side of
Let go of "disagree."

I hate not getting to fly! If only there was "agree"?

(The next blog): "What is it you pretend not to know?"

Cab fare was picked up by Rebecca Grace Jones - in 2004

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Call you - me

Ever think of someone while walking to your gate at the airport?
While waiting for your coffee to cool while in Starbucks?
While waiting for the car at a fast lube store?
While having a craft brew in a local brewery?

Ever want to hear form someone who hasn't called?
Well, place yourself in their shoes. (See top three lines).

Pick up the phone, or cell, blackberry, iphone, vonage, or even your keyboard and:
"Commence firing!" (Dail the thing!)

Communicate, commit and care.

Just know that I was thinking of you right now, and picked up the keyboard. I used the cell yesterday, and the cell again last night. You know it caused me no pain and cost you no cab fare.
Of course, I am so guilty of all of this that I still have some to call tomorrow...

Monday, May 4, 2009




I love it all.

I look forward to the planting season. I have planted corn, peas, squash all together in a shared plot.
I have some planters (pots) planted, with a few to do still.
I have lawn to nurse through what looks like an underground assault of ???
Trees have been thinned and pruned.
Hedge is ready to fill in after serious pruning.
Roses fed, beds weeded, and all are well watered.
Tomatoes and onions in the ground.

Anticipation of an abundant flower show; food on the vine. (nothing tastes as good)
Pleasant times just watching the development while pinching back, watering, mowing and cleaning.
Bouquets through the house. Yummy to my nose!

Ah, gardening - a satisfying way to plan for the future while staying in the present.
Why did we leave the old family farm?

Weeds are the compost (3 comppost bins) of the growing season through the fall - which comes all too soon.

Maybe I ought to look for a house with a larger place to farm, not garden?
I have it perfectly arranged as it is now.
I can blame the failures on flower beds too shaded, the slugs, the drought, and just let the garden use my spare time.
All without a single seed catalog!

Come on by in a few days, (60+/-) and enjoy a fresh yellow pear tomato or two fresh on the vine. Ever smell a lightly crushed tomato plant leaf. One of the best smells on the planet.
No cab fare for visiting the garden.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine flu information day-to-day

To learn the latest about swine flu, without all of the "news" hype

I typed in simply who to search and was connected directly with this site.

Again, I have the windows up, and the fan turned off. I am taking no fares, as yet, so I cannot charge a cab fare.

Whew! I better find a car wash and get a shower...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine flu update of facts

Here is the latest info on swine flu. A FAQ if you are interested.

GENEVA – A swine flu outbreak that appears to have caused fatalities in humans in Mexico and nonfatal cases in the United States prompted the World Health Organization this weekend to urge countries around the world to be alert for suspicious cases of influenza.

WHO chief Margaret Chan says the global body is taking the outbreak very seriously, though comparisons with the 1918 epidemic are premature.

Here are some facts about swine flu:

Q. What is swine flu?

A. Swine flu is a highly contagious acute respiratory disease normally found in pigs. It spreads through tiny particles in the air or by direct contact. According to WHO it tends to infect large numbers of a given pig population, killing between 1 and 4 percent of those affected. Not every animal infected displays symptoms.

Q. Where do outbreaks occur?

A. Swine flu is considered endemic in the United States, and outbreaks in pigs have also been reported elsewhere in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and parts of eastern Asia.

Q. How do humans contract the virus?

A. People usually become infected through contact with pigs, though some cases of LIMITED human-to-human transmission have been reported.

Q. Is it safe to eat pork products?

A. WHO says properly handled and prepared pork products are safe to eat. The swine flu virus dies when cooked at temperatures of 160°F/70°C or higher.

Q. How high is the risk of a pandemic?

A. Since the swine flu outbreaks in Mexico and U.S. Were identified, the risk of a pandemic has increased. Health officials worry the swine flu might develop into a form easily spread among humans. To do this, it could combine with a human flu virus or mutate on its own into a transmissible form. Experts worry that the more the virus circulates, the more likely a pandemic strain will emerge. But there is no way to predict when a pandemic strain will develop.

Q. Does a vaccine exist?

A. Pigs in North America are routinely vaccinated for swine flu, but no vaccine exists for humans. In any case, the flu virus evolves quickly, meaning that vaccines are soon obsolete. Health officials say there is no suggestion that the vaccine prepared for seasonal flu will protect against swine flu.

While people who are given the seasonal flu vaccine will probably be not protected against swine flu, it may prevent them from getting the seasonal flu. If they are then infected with swine flu, that reduces the possibility of the two flus mixing in that person to create a potential pandemic strain.

Q. What other treatment is there?

A. The swine flu virus detected in Mexico and the United States appears to respond to treatment with oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). In terms of prevention, maintaining good hygiene, for example regular hand-washing and staying a safe distance from those infected, may help.

There is no cab fare, as I am riding around with the fan off and the windows rolled up - alone.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

This scratches the inside of my head

Why can a bank receive billions of dollars without collateral when a citizen has to provide collateral?

Using the same reference to funds:
The US Treasury loaned about $1,000,000 in a week in August 07.
The US Treasury loaned about $400,000,000,000 in a week in October 08

Is there really a separation between borrowing and face value?
Is there a reason I am paying only if I collateralize, and the bank can get money on a few words?

Is it true that the Chinese, Mexican, Russian, Philipine, Japanese, South Korean or you name a government do not have to collateralize?


Just get out of the cab, you are entitled to something for free. No fare, no worry.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Changing times?

So what did you think of that video from last post? Didn't go there? It isn't too late to copy and paste the link...
We need to get 'er done while we can.

Changing times?

Consider getting married vs. not getting married:

In the formative days of our country, marriage was something that people made it a point to do if they were going to live together. Sometimes they had to go to a great deal of trouble to get it done. Why'd they bother? I suspect there was a lot of problem with being a bastard. That is what they used to call children born out of wedlock. There was of course the 'Church" and all of its zeal. Also, there was the commitment.

Today, I hear weekly or more frequently, 'Why get married?'

'Why can't we get married?'
I observe that this question most frequently is related to becoming entitled to some 'benefit' or some such. I understand that there are relationship reasons also. However my observation for all of these years is that there is a financial reason among all of the other reasons.
So why do those who have been denied marriage want it and so many who are able to get married not interested?

Again - 'benefits' are usually in the mix.

The exception I observe to much of this, and I am not saying this is true for all; is that the rich and famous and those who are so unable to 'commit' say 'who needs to be married? Why get married? What purpose does it serve?'

Well, in MHO it is a sign of disrespect to not be married and to be having children. It is a slap in the face to the kids. It is a good thing for parents to be committed enough to suffer through the frights of marriage to raise kids.

That said, I find it deplorable that there are so many people, 'families', that have taken the bastard route for the 'benefits' and not taken the route to having kids that are full family members instead.

Some lawyers, judges, congresswomen and congressmen have created a social disease that makes it 'better' for people to live together and raise children that are bastards.

We can blame ourselves for not demanding that the law and rule makers and enforcers stop doing this to our society.
Hey, let's have an election and get some more of those twisted thinkers in there to see what else they can do wrong.
Be careful the next time you call one of them a bastard, you could just be right.

I once took a congress woman in my cab. She asked me to take her home. She was too drunk to tell me where she lived. She gave me her drivers license to get the address. Now I am not implying that they are all like that, however she is the one I came in contact with and it is like the blindfolded woman touching an elephant... it depends on what part of the elephant she touches, whether she thinks it is a prospective date, or an old orange... The congress woman was an orange for me.
Hope you enjoyed the ride.
The cab fare is charged to the government, they are the only ones besides my brother who have any money these days. I salute my brother. I will not start on the Treasury Department.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pay attention here! - please

Give this a try when you think you are someone else.
I am still right here.
What have I become?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


To some that word is electric.
To some it is a question mark.
To others it signifies endurance.
To some it implies cruelty.
To some it is a winter break in an isolated life.
To some it is money.
To some it is another pin to collect.
To some it is a real nightmare.
To some it is life threatening.
To some it is no big deal, their venue has a 'better' race by some measure.
To some it is sleep deprivation.
To some it is months and months of planning.
To some it is unfathomably difficult to imagine.
To some it is a mystery.
What all agree this morning is that another one is over for the winner.
What they all agree is that there is still a week or so to go for many.
What it is, is Dog Racing of the most severe.
Congratulations to Lance Mackey of Fairbanks.
and especially, congratulations to his dogs.

The fare was for sure paid and the freight hauled by the dogs for this one.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


What did you expect?

Environmental stuff?
Saint Patrick's stuff?
Photos of New Mexico?
Photos of Alaska?
A trip to the greenhouse?
Gardening discussion?

Sorry, I have only two things to say about green.
Nuts, three.

Happy St Patty's Day!

Drink green beer at least once today.

What's up with the NY Times?
Not a single front page headliine about St Patrick's Day.

No fare, as I only drive to pubs, saloons and bars today. So I will be back to pick you up when you call, and then I will collect because you will be full of Blarney.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Personal interests

I often wonder how some people came to be TV watchers and some are activity doers, and some are computer addicts and some are bar, tavern, saloon or club people.
I admire them all, however I cannot help but wonder from what each may be fleeing.

I wonder about myself the most of course and have decided that everyone has in their persona a ‘Nerd” that drives them to be a certain distortion of the real person they know they are.

If everyone would just go; (Yes I have a destination in mind for all of you) If they would just go take a strong, honest, blinders off, personally safe, private, critical and admiring look via a SERIOUS self examination and evaluation.

I think we would have more artists of quality, more health, more smiling, more satisfaction, more secure perceptions, more responsibility, more fulfillment, more acceptance, more beauty, more sharing, more realization that we can be everything we want of and for ourselves and not give a hoot about what we think others think of us in our real skin.

Have you ever done something to please someone else, and at the same time displeased yourself?

Have you ever bought a dress (Do women still wear dresses?) that you knew was just to look better for a specific other woman in some sort of personal fashion war?

Have you ever worn Khakis for someone else when you wanted to wear jeans for yourself?
Have you ever ??? - you fill in the blanks, (there is more than one thing to go here for each of us).

Have you ever ordered wine when you wanted a beer?

Have you ever said to yourself that you wish you had done what you wanted for yourself instead of doing something else for what someone else might think?

Enough, by now you either get it or are bored or have checked out. If you are still here, the real blog follows:

My point is that this is the real deal here that we are living today. This is the Final night of the play. This is the last time the orchestra will play the theme for curtain calls. This is the last experience we will have that is this unique experience - life.

Do whatever it takes. Do all you can. Please do ask yourself – Am I worth it to ‘be’ myself?
Ask yourself: Have I satisfied my desire to ‘be’ the person I know I am? Really. Way really down deep inside where only you can see, feel and know what is right for you.

If you haven’t yet done this, you are in for a treat. Just do it!

Then, when you have acknowledged who you really are not, go to the web site I won’t mention Here through yourself you can capture your life as you want it.

Ask yourself,
“What Is It That I Am Pretending Not To Know”

Fare is paid, tuition is not. You are worth it. I know. Do you? Go find out how to ‘be’ you.

Love with power and freedom,

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Good Word

No, Not Charley Brown :)

Just a thought or two to set up a traveling weekend.

"We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take
charge and rule our lives from within."

Free your heart from hatred.

Free your mind from worries.

Live simply.

Give more.

Expect less.

Stop trying to be perfect.

Don't get overwhelmed.

Resist temptation.

Reward yourself.

You just rode in a taxicab through a car wash with me.

Yes, we left the windows down to help clear out everything. Today I will see something I never noticed before.

You'll dry out, so will I.

Hope you enjoyed the ride. I am going to go dump the car wash water and wax out of my boots. ha - ha!

Fare was the price of the car wash - 'free' with the windows down.

Laughing, CABBY

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bill paying

If we pay our city utility bill via telephone or internet, we pay a third party fee to make each payment via those methods.
So, I could save money by using the postal service?
Here is a prime example of that twisted logic of the politically correct getting in my face again.

Damn the bastards, I'll be post dating checks again.

(Do you realize that if you get a mile a dollar for using a credit card on a rewards card, that the merchant you do business with pays for those miles? He cannot charge you more for the use of the credit card, so he has to inflate his prices to everyone.
Look for another blog soon about that whole thing.) NUTS!

I can't charge you more when you pay your Curves bill with your rewards credit card, even though it costs me a dollar more to take your payment than it would by check or cash. So if I were to have a third party take your payment when you call me to pay it, then they can charge you more.

We 'otta sue the bastards that created this abomination!
Talk about a loop hole. Why not jsut let the merchant charge the fee?

Where were the regulators when Congress allowed this? Love those banker lobbyists!

It sucks to pay conveniently.
I have more to say. However instead, I am going to go pack to go on an Oryx hunting trip.
I'll show 'em about politically correct.
I may even go piss outside under the stars while I am there.

You know, I may even swear at the animals before we shoot, just to be completely politically outspoken.
I will still sample the blood when I butcher the carcass, though. I am after all aware of what I will be doing in the control of the range and environment.
(Singing here) "Here little Oryx. Here little Oryx. Come closer little Oryx. That's it". BANG!
Fresh liver soon. Oh, and Fresh heart. Yum-yum yum.

Sorry, I didn't get you away from the curb, I was afraid of my political rage turning to road rage.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

National Safety

India is a very poor country. People there are as smart as every where else.
India is having a very hard time with terrorists. Terrorists regularly and randomly murder Indian citizens daily.
India is arming its citizens to thwart terrorism because they think that will work.

America is (was) a wealthy country. People in America are as smart as every where else.
America doesn't have a hard time with in country terrorists. Americans are presently safe on their streets.
Americans are an armed society.

Some Americans want to take guns away from responsible gun safe people.

Some responsible gun safe Americans want to teach gun safety to ALL citizens, so it will be safe for everyone to own guns.

Some Americans want to require all Americans who own ANY gun to register and pay a registration fee and secure a license / permit to own each gun.
The proposed fee for such a licensing is approximately $ 25. That is $ 25 for each gun. The proposal says that this license would require renewal at about 5 year intervals.
I suggest that for $25 per student, I can teach adequate gun handling safety to everyone. It would not require renewal, EVER.
That would include a registry to record such training.

There are states that have progressed from a culture of licensing concealed gun carry permits to a culture of carrying a gun does not require a permit after gun safety training.

There are states that are attempting to make the possession of a gun a felony.

There are states where people collect their protein and table fare with a gun.
There are states where the people living there think it is unnecessary to own guns - at all.

The bottom line is that we have allowed the 'polite thinking' to permeate the sensibilities of logic.

There are people who would rather kill any innocent person, to support a drug habit.
There are people who would spend money to support these people with drug habits and not teach gun safety.

The next time you read your Daily Advertiser (Newspaper) headlines, just recall that the headlines could be that the Mayor, Governor or President actually told the truth and said we have as many people on the dole, welfare, handout, charity, you pick your name for it as we do paying taxes.

The next time you blow a red light, don't signal a lane change or a turn, just recognize that you are a part of the National safety problem.
You are, in committing that little illegal maneuver, a contributing reason that the police have to spend so much of their budget on traffic and not on crime protection.

If people would stop thinking of themselves, and begin to think of the whole bunch of us, we would begin to reduce the burden of crime, violence, welfare, food shelter and work shortage, social strata perceptions, poverty, trash in the environment, crimes against the citizens that are unable to protect themselves, pet cruelty, drug abuse, domestic abuse, traffic problems etc.
We would be able to take whatever of the stimulus money that might trickle down and attack all or any one of these items in a positive and effective way.

Now those of you who know me, you know I am no Bleeding heart, or Joe Straight or a Do-gooder. I am an opinionated, salty ol' bastard at times. I have my mind made up, but can be budged to reconsider.

So, I ranted on longer than I wanted, and ranged way wide of what I planned. I apologize for that and will soon begin a project to write a memoir, where some of this opinion will be focused - which might relieve some and for sure will make this more conducive to complete reading.

I think I got the response links repaired, however I can always be screamed at at:

Enjoy the race from Fontanac CA this afternoon. Attendance is down as a result of the economy, so I will end this ride at the race track, and waive the fare to help reduce the economic effect on my favorite sport.
Anchorage didn't have well organized racing. We used to race down (or up) Northern Lights Blvd.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Did you ever consider that you might want to write a book?
Well, I have the reference guide for you. I am not paid, nor does the author know I am touting her book.

"Shimmering Images" by Lisa Dale Norton
(A Handy Little Guide to Writing Memoir) is the sub title.

Consider taking it to the beach, on a flight, to visit your in laws.

It is 138 pages of delightfully written advise. The book would make a great textbook for a writing class.
Step by step with labels for things and mental images for the processes so that it is easier to understand than any BBQ assembly instructions I have ever struggled through.

She is able to speak plain English and clearly is aware of the scope of the pitfalls of attempting to be published.
She also has great advise if all you are thinking of doing is recording your life for posterity.
I presume that some day my offspring will read what I plan to memoir and say, thank you. It will be nothing like this blog.

So, if any one of you think you are unique and are inclined to record the details of what has made you who you uniquely are, this is a handy, easy thorough discussion of the task.

I have a brother-in-law who journals. This book should be in his library.
Hmmmm maybe a Birthday present from me?

I once had a travel writer charter my cab for about a day.
We went to the Indian Health Hospital.
We went to the Psychiatric Hospital.
We went to the Cemetary and to a mortician.
We went to the Chapel at the City Cemetery.
Needless to say, the passenger was writing an article on Anchorage for a funeral director / undertaker trade magazine.

It was real interesting that even though there were a couple funerals that day, He wasn't interested in the people in the cemetery (alive). He did in the end take a scenic trip around the town. I was even able to get him into Chilcoot Charlie's.
I tried to get him to go to Mr. Whitkeys, however he was a woos and didn't want to be out that late.
Oh well, after seeing how easy it seemed to be to do the research and the outlining of the information, I decided that anyone could do what he did. Write.

So my blog is current proof that I was wrong about that.
Fare is paid.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

1. Communicate 2. Blog hosts 3. Valentines

1. Why is it that so many people have become completely inept at such a basic skill?
Have you ever listened to an interview of someone less than about 38 years old?
Every sentence starts with: "What I mean"... or "Like"... or "I know"... or "You know... or ----____ .
Do you know the expression: P-tooey!

2. New blog hosts are, as we are reading this, being contacted to host this thing. I have asked a blogger that I highly respect and who has a great blog site to assist me in getting connected with his host. More will be blogged here as this 'change' develops.

3. Valentines and Valentines Day are interesting.
A.) Men buy more gifts and spend more money.
B.) Women expect more. Women know they have the power.

To draw what seems to me to be a logical conclusion from those two facts - women don't really think of the acknowledgment of the relationship to be their obligation as much as men think it to be their obligation.
So, does the expected reward seem more valuable to men?

Men are sure of the necessary responsibility to confirm the relationship. The obligation to reinforce the relationship is a nonverbal certainty for men. There is something that women have been using as leverage to keep the relationship tilted so that this Valentines Massacre is always for the man to be rewarded. Aren't women lucky? Think about it.

I have enjoyed some pretty amazing activity as a voyeur or as an auditory eavesdropper of conversations and human bodies in the back seat of a cab. In the waning hours of the Valentines Days of Anchorage, celebrants have been known to do, say and appear in ways they would never have considered any other day of the year. Today we would not even blink an eye in the movie theaters if we saw what occurs in taxicabs. Cab fares used to tip really big for the calm presence I showed in ignoring, not acknowledging, or just plain experiencing occur in my not objecting presence.
I recall one time....
How big will the tip be for the rest of this story?

Happy Valentines Day.
Remember, the CABBY has seen, heard and cleaned up after just about anything you can imagine two or three, and even - one time - four people doing in the back seat of a cab in Anchorage, Alaska on February 14th at about 3 a.m. when the saloons closed.
I recall one time.....
Fare was paid by the Bodacious huge tip!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Posting my blog

I have had numerous complaints that comments cannot be made, and connection to my blog site doesn't seem possible. So I am going to look for a different location to host a blog.

I will post the information about where it will be when I find a better place for access. Until then, it will be here.

I value comments and the dialog that I can have with each of you, and hate when you do not get to have your two cents worth. I may even need to collect the two cents before too long. :)

Well, the racing season started tonight. See, ya.
Racing is fun and interesting to me. so what can I say? You get tennis, golf and football. I understand there are even people who do the colossal waste of time called basketball. So allow me.

The meter for this blog was used in the couplet from the blog earlier this a.m. so you have no fare to pay.


So the L A P D are going to investigate threats to the octuplet mom?

Hey, run octuplets through your spell checker. Mine says it is a bad word.
My spell checker suggests sextuplets. That is the cause of this whole drama. If she'd just had sex, we wouldn't be reading this.
My spell checker also suggests quintuplets. Remember the ones from when we were kids?
My spell checker also suggests couplets. Well, according to one www source;
"A couplet is a pair of lines of verse. It usually consists of two lines that rhyme and have the same meter. Some cultures have decorative traditions associated with them."
When I was a kid on the farm, I remember a couplet as the time when we ran the bull and one of the cows into the small corral for a day or so...

I guess I should have used couplet - these things are appropriate for this discussion:
A pair of lines of verse. I couldn't be a couplet-er, as it takes me two lines of parenthesis comments to just cover my tame thoughts. Nothing I say makes sense, so rhyming is out of the question.
I believe in flying the US flag daily, so I am spot on with the decorative traditions - I guess 1 out of 3 isn't so bad.

Back to the subject:
Okay, I will say nothing bad about the LAPD and the investigation, if there is serious threats, then go get 'em!

The question is however (again In am politically incorrect, but with change, should come straight talk and straight logic.)

Don't you think she needs an investigation of being a fit mental candidate to be a mom for 14 kids? or even 5 (which is the closest legitimate number she could have been expected to be pre-checked for.
Shouldn't there be a testing for these kinds of possible moms?

Come on...

I didn't even get the cab in gear, as the passenger limit for a passenger taxi cab is 5. She couldn't even take them to a fertility clinic...
Oh - my bad.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What drives the market?

The pundits, the press and the talking trash cans on wall street, the TV stations and the financial news stations are all selling something or someone. Consider their motives to be saying something, instead of working at a discussion about solutions.

They unanimously gave the Secretary of the Treasury credit for the market fall yesterday. Woohee! To be so powerful. They were ALL wrong. That is they were incorrect. They said things that were not true. They lied. I know, what I just wrote is politically incorrect, but we are for 'change' - right? So let's start telling the truth. Painful isn't always the final result of truth, it goes away as the truth sets you free.

Yesterday the market fell further before Geitner spoke than it did during and after he spoke.
So YOU decide what caused the fall. Do not let those other guys tell you. You can figure it out every day. It only takes a watch, note pad, addition and subtraction and a few minutes to gather the daily chart of the market indexes. Note the index level at the minute, and then weigh the 'news' they are reporting, you may see that the market is driven by fear, greed and emotion. In my opinion, the last is the most important piece. They each play a part and need each other to show shifts in market value.

Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geitner, does not appear to have that charismatic presence we like in our public speakers, however, he had a message to deliver that seemed unclear. Maybe next time he will have something to say that is based on information. Yesterday the message appeared to be an attempt to say something was being done to discover the key to unlocking this economic challenge. It seemed to be a message directed at appeasing the impatient needs of American citizens to see some positive results of their voting. (Do you realize President Obama has only been President for 22 days?)
Geitner's message would have maybe been better for all of our expectations to have said: "We are just not clear about this. We have so much to do. The solution may involve some black swans. I will be vague and unclear because today the keys are still in the haystack."

I would encourage everyone to consider that at 10 billion dollars a day, we could come clean of the deficit we are driving our economy into. That is: at near 10,000,000,000 dollars a day in positive sales of goods, our country would still not overcome the debt of 1,000,000,000,000 dollars we are piling up as debt.

Have a nice day, the cab fare is still only measured in dollars and cents. Just go buy a cup of coffee for a homeless American. The need may be for you to buy it for me very soon.

Back to the opening question:
So what drives the market? We do as investors and savers. Protect yourself. See if you can 'not spend' something on a geegaw today, as it may become a cup of soup tomorrow. If you are young, continue to save in a retirement treasury bill, and if you are old, start being good to your offspring.
Have a smart day. Do not believe everything 'they' say.
I am going to go read Susie Orman. She has a new book: "2009 Action Plan" while I await my next cab fare.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What are people thinking?

1. The economy is in a spiral. So the government is going to do a rescue and a TARP.
Now, another stimulus bill. Also talking about another 360 Trillion additional appropriation. People want the President to be responsible, without learning the details themselves.

It is our money folks, we need to know what is happening.

Can you explain these bills? Most cannot. I am lost, I cannot explain them. Scary!

2. IRAQ: Do you have a 16 month calendar counting down on "No American Troops in IRAQ," which was the election platform of the President. He was elected still stating that the acceptable level of danger to America would allow that by the time 16 months would have rolled past.

3. Afghanistan: I actively suggest that the book "A brief history of Afghanistan" by Shaista Wahab and Barry Youngerman, is a book the contents of which we should all understand. The book tells of the history, politics, indigenous borders, religious differences, and the humanitarian values of Afghanistan and some of Pakistan.
What are we doing when we haven't changed operational methods from what the President campaigned against? Who has the President's ear? Does the President suffer from overload? Has he forgotten the platform he campaigned with said: "we will talk." In the event that fails, we will act. When did he talk to the people we are bombing in this war front?

4. Democrats and Republicans are still playing the same old game of divide and accomplish nothing. When is the 'Change' going to begin to occur? When is the power of our government going to be positioned to act for the country before their individual political power?

5. The money give away: Where are these trillions of dollars going? I understand that many citizens are content to think that these bills are necessary and the only thing we can do for the good of the country. I am not sure about that.

My argument is about: How are we going to protect the money from greed and graft and corruption?

I am not in favor of giving any money to any person, place or thing that cannot face both criminal and civil prosecution for violating the best interest of the country as a whole.

Is my expectation any more unreasonable than for the citizenry to blindly accept it on good faith that the money will be the answer and handled safely and effectively?

Here is the real question and the important topic. This is the real issue of significance. We really can agree to set up a dialog on how this topic will resolve itself by next year.

6. Who is going to win the NASCAR Sprint cup championship this year?

What are people thinking?

Enjoy the NASCAR ride. Racing started last night at Daytona. Watch it again next Sunday, you know I will be.
The fare for this trip is paid, I apologize if when you got in the cab you wanted to go to someplace besides a race track. Please get out now, I am going to watch Speed TV.
What are people thinking?

Monday, January 26, 2009

A thought provoking note

The following is a note from a person I never met. The ideas are frightening when you consider where our economy is heading financially. (and taking a great many of our citizens)

Thoughts from a homeless guy now that I'm back on my feet

I won't ramble too much. Most stories are the same. I just want to tell you what I notice now that I'm stable.

-- Here's me: At age 18 I was a drug mule and got busted on my first trip. My first time, but the amount (marijuana) was enormous and I got 4 years. First two years out, I had some bad luck with roommates; got robbed so much by my own roomies I had to move out but was then immediately hit by the back-rent no one paid. No one could be located except for -- guess who -- me.

-- I had the apartment's lawyers and the phone company chasing me for money. How'd you like to hire somone who has at least two garnishments you have to figure out for each paycheck? Also, would you like to lease an apartment to a guy who has an unpaid judgment from his last apartment? Don't forget the convicted felon part.

So, I was homeless for about 4 years until the manager of a car dealership took a chance on me and now I am the manager of our detailing department.

Okay, so what are the things that I really appreciate?

-- Light switches: In a shelter, lights come on, lights come off and you have no say. The ability to control your own lighting is a big deal.

-- Access to toilets: Ever hear someone mention how those 'disgusting' homeless guys pee outside? Where else should we? The search for a place to relieve yourself is a constant problem when you are on the streets.

-- Weather: I don't pay much attention to weather anymore. On the streets, weather is your life. A homeless guy rummaging for newspapers only wants one section, the weather report. If you can read, and you know the weather, you will have every dude you know asking what is coming.

-- Clean water: Are you impressed with the cleanliness of your average gas station restroom? How'd you like to drink from that sink?

-- Not losing things: Homeless shelters are life-savers in bad weather, but they are also a guarrantee that you will lose all your stuff. Either it's stolen while you sleep, or the shelter staff told you you have to leave it outside. Secret hiding places never are.

-- Night fear: You never stop being afraid of being outside at night. Think it's scary to have a breakdown at night? Someone gets mad, gets drunk or gets mean, you are going to be the first person they find.

-- Internet: I am now an internet addict. I got arrested in 1997 and I barely heard of the net back then. When I got my job in 2005, I got sent to a computer class right away. When I got my own place six months ago, I went all out and got my own computer plus an internet line. It is like magic. I cannot get enough of it.

-- Health Care Fear: Did you hear about that Bumfights video? It's BS! No homeless guys are going to fight. We never fight each other because everyone is afraid of getting hurt. You hear about guys who sprain their ankle and then die because they couldn't move for two weeks. Or, you hear about a guy who cuts his arm and his arm swells up the size of his leg. Little injuries kill. I was always terrified of getting hurt because of that.

-- The Looks: I admit, I got used to the looks from people in the real world. I kept a pretty clean appearance but people can always tell when you are in the 7-11 just to warm up or kill time. I never minded the looks. Didn't really care, not sure why.

-- Girls: I still have not solved the girlfriend riddle, but I love talking to ladies when they come pick up their car and see that we made it look like new. Seeing a woman's smile is nice. When a woman smiles AT you, its like nothing else in the world.

The following is my comment about this growing situation:
Cab drivers were the easy touch in the frozen north called Anchorage. We would take homeless to shelters, and the police station, to the hospitals, and to a meal sometimes late at night. Often I would just have them sit in a warm place for a few minutes while I awaited my next fare. They almost consistently wound up on the street because of one event. Usually a bad judgment, or just a last straw of poor circumstances strung together.
Nearly all admitted that they were one check from the street for a while before they lost their job, health or had an accident.

Think of what we may be called to do as a society of abundance when that abundance is soon among a smaller segment of the population in your town.

Enjoy this ride.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Beer flavored Doritos

New York Times on the net today:
Touts beer flavored Doritos.
Microsoft canceling 5,000 jobs.

Anchorage Times this morning:
Palin to give state of the state tonight, you can watch it streaming at
Alaska to lose jobs for first time in 20 years.
Murkowski to have seat on appropriations committee. (Stevens used to chair this committee.) She gave up a chair on the Foreign Relations Committee.

Albuquerque Journal today:
Coaches allegedly knew of hazing; Staff accused of drinking at camp
Don't feel sorry for the Governor He loves the job.(remember the one with his hands in the till)

Here is the point.
Everyday we are told what the news is.
Everyday we accept it as the news.
Everyday we do not read a paper, we can decide what the news is.

There are so many choices for the news today, I haven't chosen the local paper in almost a month.

I have a 'frequent' button on my computer that takes me to the headlines around the country.
The last time I was there was right after the election. I guess I don't use it much either.
- just in case you are interested.

Not reading the local paper has saved me a walk out to the cold driveway, and being disappointed early in the morning. I do not sense that I have missed much - as you will probably think of this - when you have read this.
No fare for this trip, we just sat and read the paper.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Well, I went to see a movie.
No, I do not think of movies as important, any more than I think of those who make them as important.

The movie I saw was the David Frost / Richard Nixon drama.

We are indeed due a change. I hope we do not head back to those types of politicians, those certainly were not the good old days.

Without going into details, I can only say that I am happy to have seen this movie prior to Inauguration Day.

We have been promised 'change' and have not really had it defined, so who knows what to expect. However, I bet if we had a wishing tree, your hopes and mine for change would be so similar that it would become boring after sharing just a few of our personal expectations.

I know we all expect something, tho.

I had hoped to see cooperation and lack of a dividing line down the center of the Senate and House.

However, as of the last discussion of the Financial Crisis issue, it seems like nothing has changed.

So, with a black President, we are anticipating a removal very soon of segregation of blacks and whites. Too bad that same kind of removal isn't looking like it might be in the future of the Dems and Repubs.

We may have a new definition of segregation: The haves /have nots; the Dems / Repubs; the bailed out / the non bailed out; the employed / the unemployed; the insured / the uninsured, etc. Business as usual?

I am actually amazed at how little good I expect to really see in this change.
Oh well, I may just have been Tricky Dicked.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Very Interesting Interview

Mike Mc Connell
Director of National Intelligence

Charlie Rose January 8. (Charlie

If you want to know how things in the US Intelligence team have changed since 9 11, this would be a great place to find out before the administration changes.
The Intelligence community has the expectation to be gutted, if you listen to the talking heads.
I suggest you get this info. I am not sure how long it will be available.
Do you know exactly why Sadham decided to convince the world he had MWD when he didn't?
This interview tells the story as Sadham told it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

The times. (long, but final maybe)

Accelerating unemployment:
I noticed just this week that the government didn't publish a percentage of National unemployment. Did I miss it? Or, are they hiding it? During the Great Depression unemployment rose to over 25%. Then there were only 120 to 150 million people in the work force. How many are there now in the work force? How many become unemployed daily now?

Go find a different job, or hopefully you are not unemployed – try to find a job. {Editorial note: I do not believe in try. Either you can or you can’t there is no try. This may be the exception to the rule. I recall when it was possible to find a job in a single day. Even in a single hour. Oh my, how things have changed….}

Unscrupulous money lenders:

Why are we putting up with the obscene salaries for them to take our retirements and savings? Why aren't some of these executives in jail or at least under indictment?

A generation of self-seekers:

Why is it that we vote for our special interest instead of the self interest of the country as a whole? Let’s appeal to our ‘elected’ to represent ALL of us.

Nationalized banks:

Some say it is a passing necessity. I say bull shit. I know bull shit when I smell it, and this is a new permanent fixture in our economy.

Financiers who binged on speculative excess:

What? Are we allowing these people to stay out of jail? Are we crazy?

Banks failing:

Yes, just try to get a loan - I dare you! Then tell me how you will pay for it as the economy continues to dry up. Reduced maximum credit card limits, increased credit card interest rates, and larger penalties for missing credit card payments are all a part of this. Stricter lending guidelines are a result of the bankers seeing the downturn as a National threat..

Businesses, large and small failing:

Just drive past ten strip malls. I defy you to find just six (or four) that do not have recently vacant closed small businesses. You can read the paper, internet news, watch pbs reports and know about big businesses. Check out your local scene. I encourage you to not listen to the National news, they are selling condoms, padded bras, money lenders and American cars, not reporting the ‘real’ news. I wish we had Mark Twain to comment on the National News. Or for the younger generations, Tim Russert.

Wages being cut:

Some salaries and bonuses will take many more reductions. If you keep your job, pretty soon you will feel this event. Business has slowed down, so there is less money circulating, which means there is less to pay employees.

Hours being reduced:

When business slows, fewer people are needed to populate the stores, factories, markets, and entertainment venues.

Benefits more expensive:

As the government goes further in debt, the resource for citizen benefit will take a major hit at the lower income levels for sure. As the economy slows more, it will begin to be seen at more affluent levels. Health care and proactive ways to reduce the effects of crappy diets and obesity will become more the focus over the long run. However, when it is realized that Americans accept that they are obese and not willing to do anything about it, the benefits will become more difficult to qualify for and to receive because the ‘thinking’ will become that we have to do something for ourselves, and not rely on drugs and surgeries.

Social medicine being the means to provide health care:

We already see that America pays more for less. Do you really have a choice anymore about who you see, and what testing is allowed? Where does all of the money for health care go? I suspect that it goes to those attorneys that prosecute doctors and to the insurance companies that went upside down in our stock markets. It sure doesn’t go to the docs.

Extended unemployment benefits:

This has already started. What happens when 25% of our work force is applying? Yikes! We do not have to be the government to know this is a dead end road.

It is even starker for countries other than America.

My point of taking you on this taxicab ride is that these are nearly all the same features that America faced when we as a country had the Great Depression. You get the picture. These are all features of today's U S economy.

Do you recall that you and I knew we were presently in a recession about a year before the press and the government would admit it?

Do you realize that we are at the threshold of another Great Depression? Do you hear any alarm from the reporters? From the ‘elected’? Nope. They are afraid to admit that things are going to hell in a hand basket. 1. We may not buy what they are selling (the press). 2. We may expect them to perform for ALL of us (the ‘elected’).

What are they thinking in Washington yesterday (1 8 09) and today (1 9 09)? Do they think it is important to defend themselves as Democrats and as Republicans instead of the decision makers for ALL of America? They are still thinking they represent their home states. Who they represent is ALL of America. Period! The business model has changed!

I say it is time to call, write, email, send a telegram, share what you think with the ‘elected’ and your face book friends and your email contacts and your family and your business contacts and your blog. Oh yeah, while I am on it, it is time for us to write more instead of less. My niece’s son Andrew said it really well this a.m. (He is quite young by my standards and I really respect him for having a say). Here is his quote:

“First of all, do not apologize for length. It is nice to actually talk with someone who does not feel the urge and need to condense their thoughts down to meaningless one-line statements.” So, have a go at being conversant about the state of affairs we are in.

If you do not know how to reach the 'elected' in Washington, go to your local library or to your local library website and get the information and act now. After the recent elections, the names probably have changed and you will want to contact the current people.

We must speak for ourselves; they are not speaking for us.

Just yesterday, it looked like the politicians in Washington are attempting to wrest the changes from the new administration, and the new administration has not even taken office.

Why are they reporting about the back packs that the President elects children are using, when we are failing as a nation? Come on National News as a group, we want news, not crap.

Help yourself. Help me. Help your offspring. Help by speaking your position of co-operation as a must, party politics as a part of history.

Well, I just reread and edited this. Whew, what a mess I forecast. I am confident that we have HARD times ahead. That is my reality. I just wish we could all see it as OUR problem, and not as something that is occurring ‘over there’ or ‘over there’ or in BFE or where ever each of thinks it is or isn’t occurring.

Enough from me.

This cab fare may be the last. I am not sure if I am up to the events in the future. I will donate this fare, as I am anticipating that you will need the money to feed yourself. Please buy your sustenance wisely, nutrition will get much more expensive rather than less expensive.

Good bye from

PS: Want a sign of the times? We just received our new Yellow pages from the local Telephone Company.

It is 3/32 of an inch thinner. It is now just 1-7/8 inches thick, and the total of pages of “Advertising” is 1415 where last year it was 1554.

A sign of two events I suspect. 1. Technology – people use them less. 2. Less money for advertising.